ESP Custom + Bareknuckle Nailbomb + 6505


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Quick clip I did after installing my new Nailbomb bridge pickup in my ESP Custom shop, excuse the rung out chord part, was out of tune on a take and didn't notice, moved mic since then.

Also first clip I've recorded after retubing the pre with a Tung Sol in V1 and 9th gen Penta Labs in the rest

Sooo chain was, ESP Custom shop Reindeer with BK Nailbomb bridge > MXR GT-OD > 6505 green channel > Framus Dragon 4x12 with V30's and single SM57 pointed at one speaker, quad tracked.

MXR settings were output 100%, tone 75%, gain 0%

6505 green channel had bright and crunch engaged, gain @ 5, low 6, mid 2.5, high 5, postgain was about 0.5, resonance 10, presence 9

No processing on the guitars at all.

Drums are AD with a preset I've made based on one from Deadstar, some sample replacement on kicks and snare, tried parallel compression on the drums in this mix as well.

Bass to come once I've got my new ESP bass, which will hopefully be this weekend :)
Best pinch harmonics I've ever heard. I shit you not. Only competition is Nile's pinch harmonics tbh (and they win because they DON'T sound like pinches at all anyway.)
Srsly, awesome shit man.