ESP LTD Eclipse/Horizon


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
I have decided to buy a new guitar.

I was thinking about getting either the ESP LTD EC1000 in vintage black ( , or the H-1001 in black (

Both guitars are the same price, and I have found a pretty good deal on them, so I was wondering if anyone owned either/both of these guitars and could give me a pointer in which direction would be best to go.

I know personal preference is a big thing, and having played both guitars, I like both of them loads, and really can't decide which I want, so i just wondererd if anyone knew any major things that I should know before buying either of these?

Dont like new headstock on horizons.
But i cant play les paul shaped guitars (they hang weird, bridge is miles up the body etc, just feels really awkward).
So i would get a Schecter c1 Hellraiser!
In fact i have one on order :goggly:
But back to the esps, i would say make sure u play them both standing up with a strap as thats when i noticed how awkward les paul shape is to me.
Horizon would be comfy but as i said, THAT HEADSTOCK :Puke:
I have an Eclipse EC-400, so it's essentially the same, and I absolutely adore it. The main difference you're gonna notice between the two is scale length; the EC is 24.75", whereas the Horizon is 25.5". As a result, the tension is a bit looser and more comfy on the EC, but at the expense of the frets being closer together. Also, the ridiculously shallow cutaway on the EC makes it a nightmare for playing anything in the vicinity of the 18th fret or above. But it sounds and plays great as a rhythm guitar (and hangs excellently, as you can see in the multiple pics on my myspace), and for soloing, I've got my RG :)