Essen, DE, 5.12.05


Nov 11, 2002
A killer show and killer setlist. I can't remember the order but they played these songs

Carved Up
Adjusting The Sun
Let The Knife Do The Talking
Inferior Devoties
Turn The Page
Impotent God
A Thousand Lies
Until The End
Fractured Millenium
Fire In The Sky
God Is A Lie
Roswell 47 (Essen 47)
Final Chapter

I totally agree with Lumitalvi, the voice should be available in bottles. The moment " ... and now I'll scream for you, Essen!" is an unforgettable one. I've seen Hypocrisy about 10 times now, this show was the best.

I shot a few pictures, but they turned out very bad:

I'm craving for another killing :grin:

No i just want to know the songs they will play. I'm really excited for the gig on saturday. Its my first naglfar concert and i'm not a big fan of surprisings :grin:
hi Leviathane ;-)
That show was fucking awesome.
exodus and naglfar had a good show but hypocrisy was so....unbelivable
TheFlameout said:
I'm craving for another killing :grin:

No i just want to know the songs they will play. I'm really excited for the gig on saturday. Its my first naglfar concert and i'm not a big fan of surprisings :grin:

Ooooh, ok :D
I hope you get the setlist and if you don´t, then I hope at least that it won´t spoil everything for ya!!
Hi TheAbyss ;-)

@Flameout - some songs of the setlist were mentioned on a german review site:

Swarm of plagues (Opener)
Embracing the apocalypse
Spoken words of venom
I am vengeance
The brimstone gate (as last song)