Essential Pro Tools manuals/tutorials/etc?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys,

I've recently picked up a Profire 2626 and Pro Tools 7.4 I'm new to the program and am getting my feet wet.

I'm curious what you pros think are essential guides/manuals/tutorials to getting the most out of the program?

I bought it used, so no manual. I'm going to print one out at work, but was wondering what other resources, if any, you guys can refer me too. I'd like to get a handle on all of the features, shortcuts, and some practical applications.



edit: if you're willing to do some learning, the VTC courses look pretty cool. I did the cubase ones years ago and it helped alot.
I'll sell you my pre-highlighted copy of this for $12 shipped Joe! :D (seriously though, it's a really great book, taught me a ton about the program and much better written then the painfully dry official digidesign stuff)
I'll sell you my pre-highlighted copy of this for $12 shipped Joe! :D (seriously though, it's a really great book, taught me a ton about the program and much better written then the painfully dry official digidesign stuff)

Perhaps, perhaps...:D Gonna search around a bit more first. I'll let you know broski.

I have Pro Tools 8 Power! and it is good for what it is, just not too many practical applications or tips n tricks. [ame][/ame]