Essential Thrash

i've always like "pleasures of the flesh" by exodus. it's dirty

S.o.d. - speak english or die
rigor mortis - rigor mortis
sodom - obsessed by cruelty
nuclear assault - game over/the plague
Voivod is the best trash band ever, if it can be considered trash. It falls somewhere in between prog and trash, I think. Go with Dimension Hatröss or Nothingface, those are their best albums.
I deesperately want to get a few albums by Voivod, but the ones I've tried to order, seem to be out of print or something.(Dimension Hatross and Nothingface)
That and In the Sign of Evil, but you'll probably find them bundled together.

yeah definately that one, too

i was just making a real small list of some memories from my youth

maybe "surf nicaragua" by sacred reich. i used to love that shit
Exodus - Bonded By Blood, Fabulous Disaster
Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Kreator - Endless Pain
Testament - The Legacy, The New Order
Exodus - Bonded By Blood, Fabulous Disaster
Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Kreator - Endless Pain
Testament - The Legacy, The New Order

Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver
Heathen - First two albums
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Annhilator - Never, Neverland
Tankard - Zombie Attack
A destruction album, I dont know all their material but Mad Butcher is a good one.