Establishing your studio work as a business?

That's exactly why it's impossible to compete (pricing-wise) with the people who aren't legit, and that's exactly what's so fucked up about the whole situation. Even if you're fine with minimum wage, you still have to charge over double the minimum wage to get it, while the shady scoundrels get away without charging even half of what you do.

And that's the problem. I pay my taxes, I want to do that, I want my business to be legit. But right now I really can't figure out how to get even one customer with the prices I would have to charge. Especially seeing as even the big name studios in the industry are doing a lot under the table.

I honestly think (and I base this not on guesses but from what I've seen and heard) that the studios that are up and running in 95% of the cases are doing things under the table. How can I compete with *insert well known producers name* if even that guy or girl does it without paying taxes and I want to pay my taxes? Really.

Any of you have any thoughts on this? The bedroom warriors aren't that hard to beat I think since they often don't have a decent recording space, good mics and amps etc, it's the established producers that make it hard for us who try to pay our taxes.
And that's the problem. I pay my taxes, I want to do that, I want my business to be legit. But right now I really can't figure out how to get even one customer with the prices I would have to charge. Especially seeing as even the big name studios in the industry are doing a lot under the table.

I honestly think (and I base this not on guesses but from what I've seen and heard) that the studios that are up and running in 95% of the cases are doing things under the table. How can I compete with *insert well known producers name* if even that guy or girl does it without paying taxes and I want to pay my taxes? Really.

Any of you have any thoughts on this? The bedroom warriors aren't that hard to beat I think since they often don't have a decent recording space, good mics and amps etc, it's the established producers that make it hard for us who try to pay our taxes.

I know a couple of well-established producers who get the majority of their income under the table (you know who you are), but as far as I know, the largest, real recording studios with a name in my country are doing things the legit way. Thankfully.
I know a couple of well-established producers who get the majority of their income under the table (you know who you are), but as far as I know, the largest, real recording studios with a name in my country are doing things the legit way. Thankfully.
Sure, the large studios get the majority of their income the legit way, but from what I've seen there's usually always a possibility to do it under the table as well. Maybe more in the pop world than metal, but it still exists in the metal world.

And it's a problem. I understand the ones doing it as well since it's either that or finding another job, but the situation sucks.
That's exactly why it's impossible to compete (pricing-wise) with the people who aren't legit, and that's exactly what's so fucked up about the whole situation. Even if you're fine with minimum wage, you still have to charge over double the minimum wage to get it, while the shady scoundrels get away without charging even half of what you do.
+1 :bah: :cry:

Now I'm starting to get curious who was the guy with the under-the-table offer? Can someone PM me about this? Looks like I totally missed it.
I know some people who work 100% under the table and make a decent living out of it. I despise what they do - each and every one of them. Being an audio engineer is not a fucking privilege. It's a job, and when you have a job, you're supposed to pay taxes to a) abide the law b) keep the system running and c) keep the competition fair. None of us are special fucking snowflakes who can take the rules and twist them to our liking.

Quite recently I (like I think quite a lot of you guys) saw a rather well-known and familiar metal AE offering under-the-table mastering publicly on Facebook. I think the words "the IRS fucking sucks" were used. GG, mate, and all the fucking best.

Actually we are one big giant antfarm getting pushed around by higher beings. We are supposed to do everything you said..but are we?? Recording is only a job if you make it one like anything else.. We are here cause it should be your hobby.. unless you tied yourself in a swirl of studio debt and now stuck..

With the whole money under the table thing?? SO WHAT.... people do this everyday and it could be you making sweet studio cheese without going to "higher power" aka NWO and reporting the amount so they can take a chunk...Your giving money away
Why would you support the biggest scam in the world?? Taxes ..And you wanna keep this running??

And so what if the facebook "guy" put a plug on the web??? guess what you can it to...People that made the mistake of reporting the money are the people that hate the government and continusly give shit about the problem.. :D

Keep making demos and spread the word ...If you start making big money they will find you!!!!! NWO :danceboy:
Actually we are one big giant antfarm getting pushed around by higher beings. We are supposed to do everything you said..but are we?? Recording is only a job if you make it one like anything else.. We are here cause it should be your hobby.. unless you tied yourself in a swirl of studio debt and now stuck..

With the whole money under the table thing?? SO WHAT.... people do this everyday and it could be you making sweet studio cheese without going to "higher power" aka NWO and reporting the amount so they can take a chunk...Your giving money away
Why would you support the biggest scam in the world?? Taxes ..And you wanna keep this running??

And so what if the facebook "guy" put a plug on the web??? guess what you can it to...People that made the mistake of reporting the money are the people that hate the government and continusly give shit about the problem.. :D

Keep making demos and spread the word ...If you start making big money they will find you!!!!! NWO :danceboy:

Run, run for your life
Actually we are one big giant antfarm getting pushed around by higher beings. We are supposed to do everything you said..but are we?? Recording is only a job if you make it one like anything else.. We are here cause it should be your hobby.. unless you tied yourself in a swirl of studio debt and now stuck..

With the whole money under the table thing?? SO WHAT.... people do this everyday and it could be you making sweet studio cheese without going to "higher power" aka NWO and reporting the amount so they can take a chunk...Your giving money away
Why would you support the biggest scam in the world?? Taxes ..And you wanna keep this running??

And so what if the facebook "guy" put a plug on the web??? guess what you can it to...People that made the mistake of reporting the money are the people that hate the government and continusly give shit about the problem.. :D

Keep making demos and spread the word ...If you start making big money they will find you!!!!! NWO :danceboy:

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here. Really.

Good bye, and good riddance. Hope this place will see a better time before Andy decides to pull the plug for good. Those of you who I've learned to know and respect, you already know how to get in touch with me.

And jipchen, I'll hit ya up on Facebook - I need to catch up with your awesome studio build anyway! ;)

With all due respect,
The FU guy.
@Doclegion: You're a degenerate retard. Stop visiting conspiracy websites. Some are here because it's their hobbies but it's a job for others.

I truly think this forum needs to die, this is a disgrace to Andy who pays for this place with his own money. We should just get a new forum with invite only.
I truly think this forum needs to die, this is a disgrace to Andy who pays for this place with his own money. We should just get a new forum with invite only.

this +1

I'm not exactly a pro audio engineer, but I have common sense and a huge respect for this industry and the guys who manage to make a living off it. The ones who do the things stated in that post are the ones making it even harder for us to stay afloat. I've been rarely coming hear and really only float around the off topic section because of things like this
Come on everyone no need to get sweet its just internet...the higher power is real
But yea like he said I hate people who don't pay taxes after.recording a band:ill: for peanuts
gotta suck to pay taxes in the US since most of it goes to funding the war machine. in sweden taxes are a bitch, and starting a company is equivalent to placing all your collective assets in a pile on the lawn and torching the shit, if you don't know your way around the system. we get lots of great stuff out of the taxes we pay, but a lot of people don't realize it. apart from stuff like free health care; like someone mentioned earlier, you can deduct literally everything. want a brand new ipad or any other completely useless slave-to-a-trend gadget? maybe you need it for... checking lyrics in the recording room? voilà, half off the retard pad! and it's like that for everything. gas, grub, booze, gear, house and basically everything that can be or gets used during the process of recording a band. my mom's an accountant (acountess? sounds like a crappy german metal band lol), so i'm thinking about setting up my own business after a few years of saving from my day job, which will also give me time to think about if i want to spend my days in a crowded reeky control room making epic music happen.
This is a long story...what I said is that it depends on the country. In Europe we have all high taxes rates but there are country where you pay lot of taxes and you have lot of services back (like Sweden, Germany and many like schools, medical system, WELFARE). Here in Italy a company pay, if you sum all the things, 65% taxes per year. You work literally from january to august/september to pay taxes. Moreover you pay taxes based on the prevision of the following year (this year you earned 10? Next year you WILL WORK at least 10 so pay for 10.....and maybe the next year you'll work only 2, but you've already paid for 10)...and the best thing: you pay vat and taxes not based on the money you've already collected but based on the invoices. So you have 10 invoices, you pay taxes for 10 invoices, but maybe only for one of them you've already the money...maybe the client will pay 1 year later. This create a system where you have 100.000€ of invoices, you pay 60.000€ taxes and you have only 10.000-20.000€ over 40.000€ in your hand. It can't works.
Taxes are good when a system is good. When you pay lot of money, with nothing services, no welfare, lot of burocracy and with these fucked up policy.......let me say you would do the same. And I don't say you have to skip the's not what I'm saying...but there are country where politicians make fucked up rules to create a system that doesn't work and you can't compare Germany, Sweden or Denmark with something like Italy, I'm sorry.
Well, I am not a conspiracy theory nerd, but it is true that the major part of the taxes, in France, just pay the interest on loans.

Basicaly, since the 70s, we made the choice of generating money with bank credits. We were persuaded it would be a good solution to limit inflation, but in the end, at least in France, we are working for the bank's prosperity, since we are working for their profits.

It doesn't mean we have to throw away honesty, but maybe there is something wrong with this system.

Well, this is another subject, anyway...
Yes and no. Sure, a part of our taxes go there (crazy system really), but the biggest part goes to schools, medical welfare, roads, police, firemen, unemployment, retirement, etc etc.

In France there is a new status (a few years old) which is called "auto-entrepreneur" which I chose last year (I switched from my previous fiscal status). Basically, you only declare your incomes (you don't remove anything from them - so buying stuff is not helping reduce your taxes) every quarter and you pay then (it's a %). So if from January to March you didn't do much, you don't pay much. It's safer then the old system where you pay based on what you did the year before as ::XeS:: described it. Makes bookkeeping easier too, no need to pay an accountant.
Well Bret, I know well this status hehehe. It's a good opportunity when you part-work as audio tech, for sure (when you don't have a lot of gears and are moderatly

Concerning the whole financial issues, I think, without any offense, that you are a bit naïve.

Schools, medical welfare, roads, police, firemen, unemployment, retirement are paid with borrowed money.

My first job is teacher - I'm paid by the state. The money I'm paid with comes from different services (it depends on the month, the bank transfers show every month a different payer hehehe), because sometimes, there no money anymore in the box normaly used to pay the teachers. And what do you do when you don't have money anymore ? You borrow it.

THE WHOLE taxes on WORK, in France, (I don't talk about the other taxes such as VAT for example) are employed to pay the interests on loans. It is the truth, a fact. No idelogy here. We owe 1600 thousand millions euros. Just calculate the annual interests on this dept. Even at 3 %.

Creating money by allowing banks to lend credits has been the cleverest plan ever thought of by the bankers, because basicaly, you and me are turned into ETERNAL mortgagers. It is impossible to repay the capital of this dept, but in the end, will shall repay more than this capital, just being taxed to pay the interests on loans.

I know we are far from the subject, so it will be my last message on this issue. There are plenty of serious and interesting informations about the links between the financial world and the states tax system, so I won't bother you with it anymore.

Have a nice day, all of you.
Exactly....the problem is that lot of country have shitty systems because they can subdue people and control them....but the point is that with a better system the country would earn more money because everybody pays and the economy goes better because everyone would have more money to spend.
Here in Italy we have the "crisis" so the new shitty government raised taxes another time, raises oil taxes another time, vat from 20% to 21% and to 23% before the end of the can a country go out from the crisis in this way? It's impossible. And guess what? They spent 40 bilion € to buy 40 F-35.........probably to bring democracy around the world......