Eternity sucks?

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Originally posted by Strangelight
Jay, when are you gonna merk it? I always feel sorry for you when I see 'junior merdit' on your profile:cry:
i really dunno yet! i'm dead shit at merkin it. some one tell me when? please!:confused:
its like a finger pointing to the moon...dont concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all that heavenly glory...
that should have gone in the quotes thread but it seems to be relevant here...
one day jay you'll show them. there's already one or two who are maybe a bit jealous!!! bring on the disaster!!
Originally posted by sol83
They're not serious (metal hammer, kerrand, etc.) And most important, they're not metal...

I know that, but the sad thing is that I think they're unintentionally a joke.

Their review of the last PL album was insane:

To paraphrase:
"It's a good album, but the British public is fickle so we'll give it a low mark"

"we think we can control the record buying public, and GUN won't give us any free stuff, so we'll give this album a shit review & no more publicity"

& Sadly, I can pretty much guarantee the same sort of thing for anything that Anathema puts out, regardless of how good it is, simply cos they're not flavour of the week (ie: not from America or on Roadrunner)
is it?
sure give that fuckin reviewer all the credit... he has a point bout the singing, that's quite obvious, but trashing the album! ho!
Eternity is one of my favorite albums of all time but I have to thank Dreamlord for making me laugh outloud. It was truly funny no matter what he was talking about.

Someone else not liking something I do has no affect on me....(usually:) )
I remember Eternity got 1 of 5 in one of the biggest newspapers(expressen) here in Sweden. They(He, his name is Martin Carlsson) wrote that Anathema tried to sound like Paradise Lost. That made me laugh!
For me "Eternity" is a complete masterpiece and probably it's Anathema's most importand album, right?
Truely emotional and brilliant, and the vocals fits perfectly to the entire concept!!
My fave album is probably Silent Enigma, but that's cos it was the first proper album I heard.

Eternity to me is so special because it took me over 6 months to get into after buying it.

I remember my mates telling me I should listen to it, as, after discovering shrooms I was into loads of prog & stuff. I gave eternity a listen & it really is good to listen to if you're tripping, especially ig you're driving people back to Keighley at 2am :S

I suppose on first listen it's possible to judge it so succinctly, but it takes time to get into, which is good if you're patient, but not if you're after pop.

(or something, forgive me, I've been on the Murpheys)