that sucks!!!

Nov 13, 2001
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I understand that Danny decided to leave Anathema but who gave him the right to say that A4 and Eternity are "true" Anathema albums?? I would like him to know that there are pople who think that Judgement and AFDTE are the best Anathema albums so maybe we shouldn't judge which albums are true. (in fact they all are)

Danny is a great composer and he wrote many of my fav Anathema tracks but those tracks would have never been my fav if Vincent hadn't sang on them! Vincent is my fav vocalist and I am not really interested neither in Danny's music without Vicnent's vocals nor in Vincent's vocals without Danny's music.

I love AFDTE becasue of it's variety and now without Danny Anathema's next releases will suck. Antimatter is good but it can't be even compared with recent Anathema albums. What's the point in having 2 shitty bands when you can have one great band?

And about "great" Duncan. Just read what he said in interviews about leaving Anathema. That's hilarious. His music is good but it's not even close to Judgement's and AFDTE depth.
Interesting, who is actually responsible for Vinny's vocal melodies? The songwriters or Vinny himself? 'Cause one of Anathema's best traits is (or was?) the feeling of perfect melody...

I remember once I downloaded one song by Antimatter from the official site (I think it's called "Psalms"), and thought it was unremarkable - some second-rate Portishead with Duncan's bass in the forefront. That song was rather scarce, and I'm not sure whether in a good or a bad way. I hope they improve with Danny in the band.

D Mullholand
I think "Psalms" is a really good song. But I just don't see why this kind of music should be a lot closer to old Anathema stuff, as Danny said in his statement. It really sounds *a lot* like Portishead...and I doubt that they will majorly change their style with Danny entering the band. But then, who knows what they're up to...
Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
I think "Psalms" is a really good song. But I just don't see why this kind of music should be a lot closer to old Anathema stuff, as Danny said in his statement. It really sounds *a lot* like Portishead...and I doubt that they will majorly change their style with Danny entering the band. But then, who knows what they're up to...

Just read Mike Moss' comments and explanations about this matter from the official Antimatter page

- Mega
Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
I think "Psalms" is a really good song. But I just don't see why this kind of music should be a lot closer to old Anathema stuff, as Danny said in his statement. It really sounds *a lot* like Portishead...and I doubt that they will majorly change their style with Danny entering the band. But then, who knows what they're up to...

"Psalms" is good - good hip-hop.
And Antimatter says that they are not going to change anything.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
Interesting, who is actually responsible for Vinny's vocal melodies? The songwriters or Vinny himself? 'Cause one of Anathema's best traits is (or was?) the feeling of perfect melody...

but his VOICE as well!
I can't imagine anyone else singing in "One last goodbye"
or "Temporary Peace". It's Danny who wrote those songs but it's Vincent who gave them life. They are perfect together!
"Extensive desolation" i couldn't agree with you more!! It's the combination of those 2 persons that gave this excellent result! I just can't understand why the hell this had to happen! They're brothers for fucks sake, couldn't they work some way out???? :(
It's not the first time something like that happens and surely it won't be the last... Sadly, many times not even family ties count much in music business. Personally I'm going to wait and see what both bands are going to do in the future before drawing any conlusions. The only thing that surprised me is Danny's announcement. I've read in interviews many times in the past that the band wasn't really happy with A4 because Duncan had written most of the music and they felt better composing Judgement and AFDTE because it was a team effort. And now Danny wants to return to the days of A4? I would surely like the band and/or Danny to clarify things a bit... After all in a recent interview Danny said that he wanted Anathema to be a non-metal band. I guess I'm still confused by the whole situation. I hope everything will turn out well, for both bands.
Originally posted by extensive desolation
I understand that Danny decided to leave Anathema but who gave him the right to say that A4 and Eternity are "true" Anathema albums??

Well, considering he was in the band, I guess he is entitled to give his view on what defines the band?

And about "great" Duncan. Just read what he said in interviews about leaving Anathema. That's hilarious. His music is good but it's not even close to Judgement's and AFDTE depth.

Yeah, but that's your perception, and what gives you the right to say the last 2 albums are the best :grin:
Yes, I'm being silly, but actually I would disagree with you, those are the two weakest albums in my opinion ;)

And as for Duncans comments, people are allowed to change their views over time, if we didn't progress we would be boring individuals. Do you still have all the views/beliefs you did 5 years ago?
Originally posted by extensive desolation
but his VOICE as well!
I can't imagine anyone else singing in "One last goodbye"
or "Temporary Peace". It's Danny who wrote those songs but it's Vincent who gave them life. They are perfect together!
Absolutely, man. Together they were something else. This situation with Danny - I'm still confused.