albums that turn out right

sol83 said:
me too. heart of the ages is really good black metal. no fluffy-happy tunes.

Come on Sol , it's not Black Metal ... There are some BM parts in it but it's still some kind of mix between atmospheric metal and progressive stuff.
Omnio is way better than HEart of the ages. Better vocals, more "guitar-wandering", trippy elements,... the sound is also a little bit warmer. But it takes a lot of time to really like it to the maximum, but once you're there...
Also get "strange in stereo" and "3 times 7 on a pilgrimage" and the upcoming live album (that seems to be very hard to release, it's been 2 years now... :( )
Blue Taste said:
3 times 7 on a pilgrimage" and the upcoming live album (that seems to be very hard to release, it's been 2 years now... :( )


Didnt know about that one live album !!! Great news !
BTW , totally agree with Strange In Stereo and 3*7 on a Pilgrimage, definitely worth buying them !
I like HEart of the Ages. It is the best black metal album out there imo.

Yup, Omnio has warmer, richer sound, and probably is the best conceptual record ever, in both lyrics & music(the rise&fall of mankind), it has the best dual (male & female)vocals I've ever heard, and has a fine line(call it crossover if you like) along doom, prog, goth, black or so.

Strange in Stereo is ItW...'s best (methinks, at the moment), it goes even further in exploring the unexplored, harvesting the fields of the rare fruit..... :cool: Hard to get into, but has a great production, unique atmosphere and even weeeeeeeiiiirder instruments/performances involved(steel guitar, ebow, sitar and the familiar viola).

The longawaited live album should be a double one, and it is a document of in the Woods' last performance in their home Kristiansand(on 29th Dec 2000 or so). The concert lasted for 3 hours and included ALL the members that went through ItW... throughout the years. Too bad I weren't there... :waah:

In the Woods... is one of the greatest bands throughout this genre.
cedarbreed said:
Thank you very much Blue Taste !

It's nice to see that you liked it.
You could download another half-mixed song from their homepage a while ago, but i can't access that site anymore... :( BUT, i still have the song somewhere, so if you want it, let me know! (It's a very good sounding live version of "Path of the righteous")