Anathema unplugged in Vienna?

check out for some fun pics, live pics coming soon too!

was a great weekend just to say, the gig was amazing, it was fantastic to meet maren, danny and vincent again :) after the gig in vienna we went to the escape bar in vienna where the guy at the bar was really cool to us and gave us a few free whisky's ;) the day after we had a little sightseeing trip and went to schönbrunn for some shopping and glühwein :)

here is the setlist from vienna:

Adagio (Intro)
Fragile Dreams
Forgotten Hopes
Destiny is Dead
Are you there?
Leave no Trace
Shroud of False
Lost Control
Inner Silence
One Last Goodbye
Wish You were here (Pink Floyd)
Temporary Peace
1. encores:
Street Spirit (Radiohead)
Big Love (Fleetwood Mac)
Cello Song (Nick Drake)
Eleanor Rigby (Beatles)
Something in the Way (Nirvana)
A Natural Disaster
2. encore
Nowhere Man (Beatles)
Norwegian Wood (Beatles)
Unchained (new Anathema song!)

and here a few pics :)

at the bar


at the christmas market in Schönbrunn eating Gulasch :)


Vinny and the doom giraffe

Loona said:
just checked the pics Caroline, they are very nice :) (and funny :) I like Zero with the christmas tree the most I guess :lol: )

nice one, I'll print it to my grandma just to show how deeply the christmas spirit touched her fellow one:))))


anyway, both the show and the next day day in Vienna have been really memorable ones, more comments on the tour later, I go now OFFSIDE:)