Ethereal Collapse – Breaching The Citadel
Self-Released - 2007
By Axemaiden
Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllentttttt alert!!!!!! This band is pretty awesome. I was sent a home burnt, marker penned CD and although I didn’t necessarily expect it to be bad, I certainly didn’t expect it to be this damn good! The production sounds professional and is pretty amazing for a group that as yet have no record label backing them (hopefully this will remedy itself) and I was astounded that said production on this album is worlds ahead of some of the signed bands I’ve listened to. Musically the band and album have a great number of strong points and (after listening to their earlier release) have kept on improving the longer they’ve stayed together. The group sound a little like a hardcore cross between Anterior, Arch Enemy and Amon Amarth, with a twist of harder prog metal (for example Symphony X) thrown in for good measure. The strong points of the group definitely include the production and musical talent and although it's fairly obvious from listening to the album what the bands influences are, there is still enough latent originality there to ensure that Ethereal Collapse will carry on developing and honing their sound until it is completely unique and hopefully gets them signed.
Official Ethereal Collapse Website
Self-Released - 2007
By Axemaiden

Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllentttttt alert!!!!!! This band is pretty awesome. I was sent a home burnt, marker penned CD and although I didn’t necessarily expect it to be bad, I certainly didn’t expect it to be this damn good! The production sounds professional and is pretty amazing for a group that as yet have no record label backing them (hopefully this will remedy itself) and I was astounded that said production on this album is worlds ahead of some of the signed bands I’ve listened to. Musically the band and album have a great number of strong points and (after listening to their earlier release) have kept on improving the longer they’ve stayed together. The group sound a little like a hardcore cross between Anterior, Arch Enemy and Amon Amarth, with a twist of harder prog metal (for example Symphony X) thrown in for good measure. The strong points of the group definitely include the production and musical talent and although it's fairly obvious from listening to the album what the bands influences are, there is still enough latent originality there to ensure that Ethereal Collapse will carry on developing and honing their sound until it is completely unique and hopefully gets them signed.
Official Ethereal Collapse Website