Euro dates and U.S. wrap

Apr 3, 2004
Wow. These were the best gigs we’ve played in the states in a long time. We had only played a handful of shows in the U.S. with the reunion 8 – 9 months ago. It hadn’t really sunk in yet I think and even though those shows were good, they were no where near as great as many of the shows in Australia or Europe over the summer.
People were really excited and had been waiting months to see us and were finally getting the chance. Almost all the shows were sold out and the crowds were insane. Best NY show in forever. Somehow Chicago was even better, Minneapolis was ridiculous, and Los Angeles of all places topped them all! The LA show was crazy. I haven’t seen a mosh pit like that since LA 1987. Unbelievable. The crowds were a great mix of new and old fans. There were so many kids at the shows and they are dressing like I did in 1986 with tight jeans and big hi-top sneakers. Is that fashion coming back? I hope so!!!!
This reunion has become bigger than the five of us. The band is tighter than ever and we are so strong musically as well as personally that nothing could stop us. It really feels like we are riding on a wave. I can feel the excitement all around us and the support growing every show. I know that people were skeptical of this reunion and some still are. I challenge you to come see us and then see what you think. People shouldn’t judge or speculate about something they have not had any experience with. And as far as the future goes, we will be able to tell you all about that very soon.
Here's the full list of Euro dates for April. I can only imagine how great these will be. The gauntlet has been thrown Europe. You better represent!!!!

Sheffield, GB
Wulfrun Hall
Wolverhampton, WEST MIDLANDS, GB
London, GB
Nottingham, GB
Glasgow, GB
Tilburg, NL
Antwerp, BE
Strasbourg, FR
Bochum, DE
Copenhagen, DK
Gotenburg, SE
Helsinki, FI
Tampere, FI
Hamburg, Hamburg, DE
Saarbrucken, DE
Zurich, CH
New Age
Treviso, IT
Live Club
Milan, IT
Temo Rock
Reggio Emilia, IT
great to see you guys back in full force and supercharged :kickass:

been to over 20 years of concerts ... and the NY will always standout as one one the best!
Black Thirteen said:
There were so many kids at the shows and they are dressing like I did in 1986 with tight jeans and big hi-top sneakers. Is that fashion coming back? I hope so!!!!

I hope NOT!!!!!:yell: :yell:
Not for us, for the kids. It's better than the bullshit gangsta baggy pants basketball jersey look.

I'll have a new AM with the whole Jason Bittner story up asap.
Scott when are you gonna start posting messages on the CDC?

I forget to check here sometimes since I'm a paying member at the CDC I always go there...

Hope to see you there soon...any chance at getting you guys in the chat over there too (or am I pressing my luck now) :confused:
Awesome guys - congrats. We fans can feel the excitement once more - I was anti-reunion and whilst I would love to hear Anthrax with John again someday, I am completely stoked about where Anthrax is at in 06 and cannot wait for the next installment on record.
Black Thirteen said:
People shouldn’t judge or speculate about something they have not had any experience with.

Well put. Although I'm pretty sure I'm right when I judge or speculate that taking it in the ass is not something I'd like or would want to experience.


yeah, you betcha sweet ass Jackson guitar...
Mickenglanduk said:
Hello Shana, now go back to CDC:D

Hey Mick...It drives me nuts that everything is posted here first when we actually paid to become members...for what??? A t-shirt that no one has received yet and the meet and greets (which are great...I'm not complaining about that) but the meet and greets haven't even been the greatest either...for us, it was like a book and out, that was it...why did I even pay to become a member if I can find out everything here (for free) :confused:

I dunno...I'm having a bad day at work and in my life so maybe I'm a little stressed out right now o_O

All I want to know is when will Scott start posting messages in the CDC and does he even know there is a whole section called ASK THE BAND questions...that no one in the band EVER answers!!!
poker_fan_in_nyc said:
Hey Mick...It drives me nuts that everything is posted here first when we actually paid to become members...for what??? A t-shirt that no one has received yet and the meet and greets (which are great...I'm not complaining about that) but the meet and greets haven't even been the greatest either...for us, it was like a book and out, that was it...why did I even pay to become a member if I can find out everything here (for free) :confused:

I dunno...I'm having a bad day at work and in my life so maybe I'm a little stressed out right now o_O

All I want to know is when will Scott start posting messages in the CDC and does he even know there is a whole section called ASK THE BAND questions...that no one in the band EVER answers!!!

Good point well put
why join any fan club? it's not like you're gonna be told the meaning of life or where is Jesus buried (hint: it's not in heaven). these people (Anthrax, Metallica, whatever...) are rock musicians. This is a job to them. And, most of the time, if you hang around after the show and are persistent you'll get your stuff signed and maybe even talk to them. Sure, there can be some perks (t-shirts, promises of chats, direct contact with the band, etc..) but you can already contact the band through their e-mails, or at least you could a year or so ago!

so what's the point of joining a fan club? huh?

I thought so.

buh bye.