Europe, some day?

Apr 25, 2004
Oxfordshire, UK
OK so I hate to do the cliche "when are you gonna play in my town?" type thread, but listening to Dismantling Devotion over and over makes it difficult to control I was wondering, if there was any knowledge of any future possibility of the band returning to Europe, now that you're with Candlelight? Being the imibicle that I am I managed to miss you when you came here with Katatonia in 2003, but I do not plan to make the same mistake again - anywhere on this side of the Atlantic and I will be there yeah, is there any firm plans, rough possibilities, or hopes of some gig dates in Europe in the near future in existence right now?
Please, anything to calm my obsessive state! :hypno: :)
Everyone in the band couldn't want to tour Europe more. Unfortunately it's not really up to us. If we get a tour offer that makes sense, we will jump on it. So hopefully one will come our way before too long.

And cliche or not, it's good your vocal.. the more vocal and public people are about it, the more likely it will happen..
Everdark, yours is nothing compared to mine:rolleyes:
Hell, I am from Bulgaria and I dont think DD will ever come here. So I hope I will go somewhere to see them.

I also think every band wants to travel and play in front of different audiences. But it is still metal and much more-doom metal. It is too underground to bring any money enough for travelling.

Jesse, I will try my best to arrange a Bulgarian company invite you though I know it is unlikely to achieve what we want.
Man, maybe you should play some kind of hip-hop circling around shiny expensive cars....:lol: Or maybe we fans should listen to something else so we could see it in Europe.

What a long post of mine!:goggly: It is also true that Bulgarian bands cant go to America. And here we have some very valuable bands.
I see...thanks for the reply Jesse, this is good to know - it makes me feel reasonably hopeful for the future then :). I can't see it being long before you get a good offer given the quality of Dismantling... :hotjump:!!! And I think it's safe to say there are a great deal of Brits and Europeans extremely anxious that your desire to come is one day soon fulfilled :).

jesse said:
And cliche or not, it's good your vocal.. the more vocal and public people are about it, the more likely it will happen..
Hmm, interesting... *considers camping outside Candlelight HQ until DD do extensive world tour* :D

And InsArtTure, indeed you are right I am sorry you have it much worse than us in the UK, I'm very sympathetic to you guys in Eastern Europe which seem to often get forgotten about in the metal world, though perhaps if Bulgaria does enter the EU that might gradually increase the chances of tours coming your way a bit! Is there much of a metal scene over there? I only know of a few Bulgarian bands...
Well I hope we dont get too far off the topic. There are some valuable bands here as I said but there is no reason for them to go on. It is too expensive to travel abroad and make concerts there. You know it is the same with some European bands. Last year, for example, Amon Amarth couldnt afford to travel abroad at all. So it is hard to develop this underground scene.
Entering the EU will be such a great change that our scene will suffer even more at the beginning. Anyaway, I'm saying this because I am bored of bounderies. For us, it is the EU and the high standards, for Americans it is the Atlantic.

Sometimes, I joke, it could be better to concert in front of a web camera so that everybody in the world could visit these live shows. I am not optimistic indeed.

Jesse, nevertheless, I am still waiting for you guys to come.
Wow, it's a while since I've been here! Anyway, I live on a nine by five mile island in the English channel with no metal bands so know what you mean...

It would be great to see DD come to Europe some time on the back of Dismantling Devotion :kickass: . Maybe we should set up a club and fund it ourselves :rolleyes: