That reminds me of ethal alcohol. Fermantation is a cool process.BloodyScalpel said:seconded.
I mean
wtf, the zero point is a mix between water, ethanol and salt! In mistery proportions.
And the 100 point is the temperature of the human body....
Hey, everyone has the same body temperature!
spirit crusher said:lol yeah, with no architecture and electricity
Like back when we thought is was flat?enjoi17 said:ehh the world was a better place before we started trying to measure everything.
dunno for sure, but it's likely.spirit crusher said:yupyupyupyupyupyup celsius is based on when water freezes and boils and kelvin is based on when all matter stops moving...and isnt the temperature of the universe somewhere around 1degree kelvin
interstellar space eh?spirit crusher said:well its around -272.something. so in reality id guess its .somethign kelvin
die die die!!!111111 omgz0rz!enjoi17 said:exactly, we shouldn't understand so much about the world we live in. lol
Hello girl I made this thread for!eva_dolly said:agg not drunk eva friendly XD
BloodyScalpel said:die die die!!!111111 omgz0rz!
it also means 'no UM'enjoi17 said:think about it dude, no electricity = no electric guitar = no AYDY!
see it all works out in the end.
we know thatCoBHC247 said:that's when all the molecules stop moving and that's 0 degrees Kelvin(also known as absolute zero)
There's a certain enunciated(i'm not sure about this word, might be utter bullshit) by someone, i think it's part of the third law of thermodynamics, that states that that temperature cannot be reachedCoBHC247 said:that's when all the molecules stop moving and that's 0 degrees Kelvin(also known as absolute zero)