Eve of Seduction, what a horrible song - Analysis


New Metal Member
Jul 18, 2008
First of all, the power metal commercial sound at the beginning... I would have expected this kind of things from Stratovarius, Dragonforce, etc etc...
Next (00:20), the riff sounds badass, strong, really cool, but it's there with no reason because the next part (00:34) is another power metal crap that sounds too weak that stops all the emotion and the feeling of darkness from the badass riff.
They should have eliminated that part because what is next it's another badass progressive strong part. In this part (00:45), Russell starts singing, cool, but at the end of the verses other voice enters and ruins it all, making it sound a lot pop-like.
Next, what we have... a beautiful slow part (01:26), but what happens next??? the slow part doesn't fit like a bridge to the chorus, it's too short and doesn't introduce you to the chorus.
Now, the chorus... boring, a bit commercial power metal-like, very weak, well, maybe it's just my perception and perhaps a matter of tastes. But I don't like it for a SX song, I think it doesn't fit.
What happens next????? the power metal crap from the beginning? Total fail.
Now, Russell enters again with his incredible voice and a cool badass riff to sing pop-like crap again, then the slow part that doesn't fit, then the weak chorus, but then, something good: the middle part starts, and with a good riff and a lot of virtuosity, then the awesome Mike Romeo's solo, as always, that now introduces very well to the chorus, and to finish, again the crappy commercial power metal thing.

So, what we have here, a crappy commercial power metal-like beginning, lots of parts with the same problem and sections that don't fit, destroying the continuity.

So I explained to you why I think that Eve of Seduction is a horrible song.

This is not the Symphony X sound we are used to. It's easy to notice lack of polishment and the worst thing of all, a commercial sound. Symphony X used to be darker, more agressive and more professional, they always used to do the things in the most perfect way possible.
Your post is really vague. Out of all the power metal I've listened too I've never found it to sound similar to eve of education. I'm not hearing any power metal in the song. Could you elaborate a little more and give us songs that are power metal and that it sounds like exactly? Name songs.

Only thing that I get reminded of when I listen to eve of seduction is kick the chair by megadeth cause the main riffs sound similar.
Yeah, the song is a bit commercial, and I do hear a little bit of power metal in there. However, I like the chorus and the slow part before it - there are the odd Symphony X tonalities in the chorus that you wouldn't hear from most other power metal bands. It's a decent song, but not one of my favorites - the "standard" song structure drags it down a little for me. I'm actually surprised that they didn't make a video for this, as I find it more commercial than Serpent's Kiss or STWOF.
People have too much time to scrutinize songs. I just listened to it and it flows pretty damn good from section to section and sounds alot like Symphony X. If anything its somewhat commercially structured relying on some repetition. Other than that I would just say many parts sound an aweful lot like other songs they have done in the past, at 7 albums in a style of music that has so many bits and pieces Im not surprised.

Pick your favorite album and enjoy it, a band this long into its career rarely produces another recording that will meet your veteran standards for "what they should do next".
...I have mixed feelings on the song - it's great to listen to at times and not so much the rest of the time.

Personally I dislike the entire TWiO than this song in particular. I like the heaviness and the chorus in particular; not the strongest song, but solid.

Walls of Babylon still stands as the best song on that CD by far IMHO.
You my friend don't know the purpose of music. All you people "dissecting" music out there. MUSIC IS AN ART... not a sport or science. All your little "Technical" crap is nonsense. Complex riffs... yes they are great... but Symphony X is really creative and this song is no exception. And what do you mean the slow part doesn't fit? WHAT?! Really tough... try to understand this... music... is an art... 30% technical (complexity) and 70% creativity (originality and passion). That is how I view it. BY THE WAY... MUSIC IS AN ART! MAN!
could anyone create the same song and sound before the band and could anyone even think about it? NO..
so nobody but only the band know what would be the best to express what they wanted to do..according to the lyric, the song expressed itself at its best and the band have successfully set the prog power metal sound in a new level.
You my friend don't know the purpose of music. All you people "dissecting" music out there. MUSIC IS AN ART... not a sport or science. All your little "Technical" crap is nonsense. Complex riffs... yes they are great... but Symphony X is really creative and this song is no exception. And what do you mean the slow part doesn't fit? WHAT?! Really tough... try to understand this... music... is an art... 30% technical (complexity) and 70% creativity (originality and passion). That is how I view it. BY THE WAY... MUSIC IS AN ART! MAN!

great observation
I mostly disagree. It definitely isn't as bad as you put it, any of Symphony X's material is far from being crappy.

It's not a song I particularly enjoy though, like "The Turning" from the Odyssey or "Absence of Light" from V. Except that in PL, "Eve of Seduction" is not the only song I usually tend to skip but also "Set the World on Fire", "The Serpent's Kiss" and "Seven" (and to a lesser extent "Sacrifice"). I lost interest in these songs after only a few listens.
I understand that some people don't like PL and think that it represents a step backwards for the band. The problem is that you are swamped by a huge amount of people who simply disagree with you. I'm sorry the song doesn't do it for you, but it is most certainly nothing like Stratovarius or Dragonforce.
It just sounds like this guy doesn't like power metal. That intro riff doesn't sound anything like "traditional" euro-power band would do, and I would certainly know. If Symphony X wants to do a few straight-forward styled songs, who are you to judge? I love Symphony X for their progressive approach to the music and the theatrical atmosphere they have, but I would get pretty bored right away if every riff in every song on every album dropped/added notes to the measures and had the same dark, neoclassical overtones. I like it when the more "polished" metal bands can have their moments where they just lay it all out and rock hard just for the hell of it. This song sounds fun, and that's pretty important too. That's how I feel about the whole Paradise Lost album in general.

I think the OP is just a whiner. Don't like it? Your loss. Go listen to something else.
You my friend don't know the purpose of music. All you people "dissecting" music out there. MUSIC IS AN ART... not a sport or science. All your little "Technical" crap is nonsense. Complex riffs... yes they are great... but Symphony X is really creative and this song is no exception. And what do you mean the slow part doesn't fit? WHAT?! Really tough... try to understand this... music... is an art... 30% technical (complexity) and 70% creativity (originality and passion). That is how I view it. BY THE WAY... MUSIC IS AN ART! MAN!

By "dissecting" music, I would call it listen and think about every little section, how it sounds, where does it lead to, what can be created next to it, do I have to repeat it or not, how many times do I have to repeat it, etc., the musician creates its ART. I tell you because I have done so when I create my own music, but it's not just me, in fact that's the way a composer works, even the greatest composers like Beethoven, Bach, and why not, Michael Romeo, that's why I found this song non-polished for the high level of passion and "detail attention" from Symphony X that we are used to.
I know it may sound a bit "technical" or "cold" but I can tell you, it's not like that.
If you don't like the song, that's cool. But your dissection is extremely vague, as Canto pointed out. It reads like someone trying to justify their opinion and not actually discuss the music. Saying that a "badass" riff should be eliminated because the riff that follows it is also "badass" is a contradiction to the genre of heavy metal. Also, calling a harmony vocal "pop-like" just makes me chuckle.

I'm with the Top 3 people.
I see Prismics thing now, hes into power metally stuff. Symphony X does a great job reducing the A typical power metal thing, so much so I never recogonized it for awhile. Still PL is a great album and the band especially Romeo made it perfectly clear that they were doing things abit differently.

Analize your own music and no doubt one day you too will be a star, fast cars, wild women......
And as I posted in the 'thoughts on PL' thread, I look at the context of the song itself (or at least, the way I like to interpret it). Some people say the song is about Lucifer tempting Adam & Eve; I reckon it is about Eve trying to get Adam to share the tree of knowledge with her.

The song starts: Eve suddenly has all her new-found knowledge, new ideas are pouring into her mind, and everything is a blur, and this is reflected in the opening riff. Frantic, fast. After getting as much straight in her head as she can but still drunk with power she seeks out Adam to get him to join her, and the song is slower, not as raw, but persuasive and cajoling. A moment of reflection at the end of the verse but then her lust and desire takes over and she pleads desperately to Adam in the chorus.

Maybe I might be reading things into it that aren't there, but the song works for the interpretation that I give it which gives it more meaning than looking at it in isolation and saying "that's a crappy power metal riff". And in any case I like the song, it has a nice groove, it is quite singable, and I like the solo. So ner :loco: