Event ASP8 Review (ie. my new monitors)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia

So I've had these things in since some time mid-last week. I managed to score a fairly good deal on eBay for a 2nd hand pair from the local distributor of Rode Microphones. After some initial problems (like being sent a passive monitor), all was sorted and I managed to start plugging and playing.

I initially noticed that with both 'Input Sensitivity' pots set to max, the monitors were putting out mis-matched levels. So it seems straight out of the box that the amps on these aren't matched 100%. After fiddling around and setting one of the monitors to -5dB input, I managed to approximate an equal volume level that gave me a nice, centered, mono position.

Given that my room has some serious bass nulls, traditionally I had to run my monitors with a software bass boost. These things on the other hand have convenient low-shelf pots on the back that do gain in the range of +/- 3dB. Given that I have them as close to the back window as humanly possible, I've gained a ton of bass off the back wall, and consequently only have to run these things with around 1dB on the low shelf.

Without much adjustment to the monitor position (going off my last pair of monitors) I went straight at it and noticed that first and foremost, these things were putting out some serious midrange. After consequently putting some serious distance between them and my mixing position I started getting a response I was slightly more familiar with. Initial impression here was that, wow, these things have some fairly hefty low-end extension to work with. Most of the first hour of use consisted of me putting 90s club tracks, trip-hop and orchestral music through them to suck as much juicy 40Hz as I could. High-end is fairly sub-dued and natural sounding, without any noticable hype. These definitely aren't high/high-mid forward monitors of the likes of ADAM or Focal. The midrange is fairly forward, but can be tweaked depending on one's seating relationship to the monitors. I found having them further took some of the edge off and made them sound more natural and akin to what I'm used to. Essentially they're a TINY bit on the hi-fi side, with a seemingly pleasant scoop somewhere in the lower midrange, but with all the natural core mid action I've come to expect from the ATH M-50s headphones.

Now, to look at the midrange in detail, I have to say that these pale in comparison to the PMC TB2s I was trying out here several months ago. The PMCs had an incredibly detailed, surreal element and depth to the overall soundstage that simply doesn't exist with monitors of the ASP8s' price point. The ASP8s give me a ton more midrange detail than I'm used to from my cheap Chinese monitors (my workhorses for the last 3 and a half years). Having said that, at times the midrange can seem a bit cloudy and not particularly as 3d as I've come to know from monitors such as the KH O300s and PMCs. This criticism could stem from the fact that the 8" driver is reproducing frequencies all the way to 40hz quite evenly, yet still expected to deliver a convincing and rich midrange. That sort of thing simply isn't going to happen. The dome tweeter on these things is also not the favourite that I've run into. It seems subdued and laid back, but at the same time somewhat brittle, which make it slightly difficult to look into overheads, vocals and clean instruments with the degree of precision I would like. This is all perfectly acceptable for a pair of monitors in this price point, and these are criticisms commonly reserved for speakers of a higher caliber.

After spending several hours in front of them today (first time I've really had a chance to since getting them), I think I can definitely get used to their sound. I've played around with different positioning in the room, to give me slightly different bass responses, in that ever-elusive search for neutrality. I've settled on a position very close to the back window, to give as much natural bass as I can get acoustically out of the room, rather than relying on the electronic boost on the amps.

On the whole I think these are some of the nicest and most neutral monitors I've heard at this price point. The only set that comes to mind which could match up is the Dynaudio BM6A, which is a fair bit more expensive, and doesn't give the sort of bass response one can expect from the Events. All in all, nice monitors to tide me over until I eventually buy a set of KH O300s :).

Cheers for reading (in case you made it this far)!
traditionally I had to run my monitors with a software bass boost.

How did you do this? Just slap an EQ on the DAW, or did you download something to occur ALL the time? I ask cos the headphones I'm using have a pretty deep cut at around 1 and 3kHz, and I'm having to swap them out with some earphones boosted around there to make sure I'm not making it too harsh. Preferably I'd like a program that will just boost there, and that I can turn on and off with ease. Doing it in the DAW isn't great, especially during mastering where it starts clipping.
Cheers for the detailed review! I hope you get even better results with them and with less effort :)

Are you sure, however, about the level mismatching? Did you test the cables and the M-patch beforehand?

How did you do this? Just slap an EQ on the DAW, or did you download something to occur ALL the time?

I had a boost on my E-MU DSP Mixer right after I trimmed the level a bit so that it doesn't clip but decided to remove it alltogether, since it's hardly the best way to go.
I'm fairly certain about the level mismatching. The prior set of monitors I had played nice together at max input level, which was consistent with all the other cables I have used to interconnect my Interface > Monitor Controller > Speakers. For some reason the inputs simply aren't matched. All I can think of is that one speaker is from a different generation of ASP8s, where they may have had less gain, and they aren't a completely matched pair. Oh it should be noted that on one of them, the input sensitivity pot is wired BACKWARDS. So -20dB is in effect, max :lol:

@Morgoe: I used my Soundblaster's control panel to boost the bass. Not ideal at all, which is why I'm SO DARNED HAPPY to be able to ditch the damn thing and use my Multiface full-time.
God, that really sounds like horrid quality control/consistency (having to mismatch the knob positions to match levels) - I can only hope that's the only place of inconsistency in the production of the models, and not things that might actually affect the sound!
I had ASP8s for a while. They seemed to be too smooth in the high mids, making it hard to judge the fizz and bite on guitars. Things sounded better than they actually were. I replaced them with Focal Solo 6s and don't have that problem any more.
Yes that smoothness is taking some getting used to. My prior monitors were the harshest, most high-mid boosted, peaks and valleys response kinda speakers... Made telling harshness real easy. I think I can live without that, given the extra mid detail and low extension I get from these.

I've used the Focal Twin 6s in the past, both for tracking and demoing at a local store. Both times I found them to be fairly hi-fi sounding, and actually really harsh on most metal albums due to the high-mid boosts. On that same token I tracked some guitars on them that sounded ace, then took them home only to find they were very undergained and nowhere near as smooth sounding as the Focals made them out to be. Next to a pair of Genelec 8040As, the Twins sounded really hi-fi and lacked detail in the lower midrange.

@Marcus: Agreed about the quality control. It's quite absurd really. But all these monitors really are is a stepping stone to the Klein & Hummels, so I can more or less deal with it.
Actually I've got em on hold for someone already, sorry mate. If he doesn't come through with the money soon though I'll put you next on the list!

Is it even worth it to sell them? I presume they are pretty cheap and are a set of speakers whose sound you probably know by heart. I would've kept them for reference.
I appreciate your honest review. It's good to read someone who doesn't get carried away with the 'new gear effect' and avoid sentences such as "they rock doood!" if you know what I mean.Thanks.
Good review. So Events still have that "smoothness" to them. I can see why some people like it, but for me it really was hard to get used to. Really high quality components and great construction for the price, though.
Is it even worth it to sell them? I presume they are pretty cheap and are a set of speakers whose sound you probably know by heart. I would've kept them for reference.

I would have too, if the matter wasn't complicated by them needing the software bass boost to sound like they did as I had them. The ASP8s are a way to get past all that and despite their overall response not being what I'm completely used to, I'll deal with it simply to reap the benefit of finally being able to run a pro interface all the time. It will make reamping a ton easier too as I can monitor the guitar tones properly as they're being dialed.

@Burny: I'm glad you found it honest. There's nothing worse than new gear blindness. I make sure to put everything through the paces and get all the worst out in the open first. It sucks to not be using monitors of a higher caliber, but it's a step up from before all the same.

@Kazrog: Yeah it's fairly difficult to get used to. It's a complete 180 shift to how the old pair sounded, so instead of mixing guitars to be edgy and bitey, they need to be dulled down to smooth and almost muddy. But our hearing is so relative at the end of the day. Once I got used to the PMCs, it was hard to mix on the Manns. I imagine after a few weeks of these, other more hyped and edgy monitors will sound too harsh. Just a matter of getting used to it all.