Evergrey have inked a record deal...

You know, and this may just be me, but I think Tom Englund is a very one dimensional singer. He's got a great voice, but I can't stand listening to the same song for 55 minutes. I own Recreation Day, I think this pretty much sums up the entire Evergrey catalog for me.
You know, and this may just be me, but I think Tom Englund is a very one dimensional singer. He's got a great voice, but I can't stand listening to the same song for 55 minutes. I own Recreation Day, I think this pretty much sums up the entire Evergrey catalog for me.

It's just you.
Yes. Tom is. So are many singers. They have a niche they fall into. You aren't expecting them to escape from about a 5 note range. You either like how they sing those 5 notes, and how they arrange the 5 notes, or you don't. But Tom's voice is only one part of Evergrey. The actual song compositions is what I like a lot. Tom just brings out emotion in the songs that a few bass notes and power chords can't necessarily do.

This is the same critcism leveraged against Matt Barlow.
And it's exactly how i feel about Barlow as well. The voice is another instrument, and either people can play it or they can't. It's like using 3 chords on a guitar for everything when you're talking about the "5 note range". It gets to be very samey after a while. Especially when those 5 notes are accompanied by the same pattern of inflections extremely often
MMA...not your typical Evergrey,but still a damn good disc. Compare it to the hundreds of other discs from that year and it rates pretty high,but if you compare it to their past discography it doesn't stand a chance. Look at it from that point and you appreciate it much more. I'm hoping the next disc smokes my ass off!
you and me both. I don't understand why people hate it and STILL feel the need to go out of their way to bash it in every post.

I think it's because those people can't help but compare it to their other albums. From a band capable of gold, silver looks like a turd... at least that's the vibe I pick up.