Evergrey headlining Trition Power Cruise!!!!!

TX Metal Cowboy

Picture Boy
Sep 25, 2004
College Station, TX
:OMG: Check this out!!

An exclusive announcement I heard yesterday on Infernal Rock Radio during the TexasBeth show...Triton Power Cruise sets sail with EVERGREY headlining!!

Evergrey will be sailing from Miami, FL to the Bahamas in the first ever Power/Prog Cruise entitled, Triton Power Cruise. The cruise will set sail Friday, April 30, 2010 and return to Miami the following Monday.

Your cabin purchase includes everything except alcohol and side trips. This is going to be kick ass!!

Other bands she mentioned were Seven Witches, Vougan, Eumeria (possibly first show), and The Element. Plus another headliner and more TBA!!:rock:

I'm all over this one!!

Dude. Evergrey is THE SHIT!!!!!!!!! Those guys bring it so good...... call me biased as the producer/promoter of the event, but if you don't cruise, you WILL be missing out. So much is planned for this event it's nuts.

Space is ridiculously limited (that is Carnival- not me!) so if you're even thinking about this event I suggest you book early as we'll be on a wait list within the month. There's still a 2nd MAJOR headliner to play alongside EG-

Would love to see yall there.
Why can't you cruise?? You'd be passing up something exclusive here and possibly one of a kind since the cruise lines seem to be pussing out on music cruises! I heard MotleyCruise was insane with lots of Motley mayhem afoot!
Wow that should be a kickass cruise, enjoy! I wonder what Eumeria will be like...I heard their track Heirs of Peril on the Andy Sneap forum as their producer was asking input on his mix, it sounded very good!
Eumeria is going to be great. I am looking forward to them live as well. If you liked Heirs of Peril you should try to hear The Key as well- it's the 2nd demo floating around out there and it's really good.
Dude. Evergrey is THE SHIT!!!!!!!!! Those guys bring it so good...... call me biased as the producer/promoter of the event, but if you don't cruise, you WILL be missing out. So much is planned for this event it's nuts.

Space is ridiculously limited (that is Carnival- not me!) so if you're even thinking about this event I suggest you book early as we'll be on a wait list within the month. There's still a 2nd MAJOR headliner to play alongside EG-

Would love to see yall there.

Does that mean this is no longer a Nightmare/Lance King event?
This was a partnership between Lance and myself. Unfortunately we had to dissolve the NAS effort as a result of varying life things that come along. We spoke at length the other day and both of understands the situation and we're completely cool with each other. (quell any bad stuff early) : )

I'm extremely fond of Lance and will probably be at NMF3 supporting his efforts. It does not mean that perhaps down the line we can bring our efforts back together. I'd never rule that out. But, to answer directly- there won't be a NAS in 2010, it is now TPC.
This was a partnership between Lance and myself. Unfortunately we had to dissolve the NAS effort as a result of varying life things that come along. We spoke at length the other day and both of understands the situation and we're completely cool with each other. (quell any bad stuff early) : )

I'm extremely fond of Lance and will probably be at NMF3 supporting his efforts. It does not mean that perhaps down the line we can bring our efforts back together. I'd never rule that out. But, to answer directly- there won't be a NAS in 2010, it is now TPC.

Thanks for the clarifying. :cool:

I won't be able to make it, but wish ya'll the best of luck! I'm sure it'll be a blast!! :rock:
Yeah, I just can't afford to take off of work for a whole cruise, haha.

Edit: And after looking at the ticket prices, definitely not. Not saying its a bad price for what you're getting, just not affordable for me.
Doing absolutely everything I can to translate as much savings to the passenger as possible. When you see the 2nd headliner that will become more clear. : ) (I hope).

The cruise is three days and three nights with an overnight in the Bahamas. Just FYI.

Yeah, I just can't afford to take off of work for a whole cruise, haha.

Edit: And after looking at the ticket prices, definitely not. Not saying its a bad price for what you're getting, just not affordable for me.