Evergrey news

Hi All!!

Just to answer "pollution" question regarding who will play the bass for the next upcoming gigs,:

It will be Christian Grönlund, the former bassplayer from Freak Kithchen.
But there will be an update on the Evergrey.net site.At this moment the guys
are working on their new album.That is the main task for the guys.You will be able to read more about it form the Evergrey.net site.

Hope to see and hear from you all
Thank you Egcrew.

I am very glad that you have decided to be active or join up on this forum. As you can tell some of the BBers are somewhat hostile because they feel like they have been left out in the cold as far as the updates go. I can understand their sentiments but I am just glad you are here now! Thank you for a ll the updates. Definitely keep us posted....

I think this has been said but I do want to re-iterate *chuckle* that I would NOT call MMA a "heavy" album. You could go dark with it but certainly not epic. Still very excited to hear one of the best bands in the world is working on a new album. So maybe this one is ACTUALLy dark and heavy? Good. I trust you EG crew! thanks again.
Thanks EGC! Very good to hear some news again... we are not an angry mob, just die hard fans who are very interested in whats going on with our favourite band!:rock: so, looking forward with excitement to hear further news about the new album... and maybe a short sample when the guys are ready for it. Stay grey
This is good news, I can't wait for the new album and the tour. I hope they sign with Roadrunner, they're doing a great job of promoting the new Dream Theater album, a band which got very little support from their former label.
Hey there ! I am a Evergrey inconditionnal fan from Quebec, Canada and I want to know, will Evergrey be coming around with the release of their new album ? Anyways, if Evergrey don't come to me, I will certainly go to Evergrey ! :notworthy

Evergrey rocks :rock:
Hello Martine!

I will try to answer your question in my best way..
it's to early to say yet since all upcoming gigs are not booked so far in advance,it's realy up to the promotor . the guys are at this time spending all the time to work on the new album,We will see later on if we can have somekind of diary on the Evergrey site.The plan is to have pictures and maybee some movieclips from the recording session in studio of the new upcoming album.This is something we have talked about.Over the next upcoming 14 days they have a few gigs to do.They have rehearsed with Christian Grönlund a few times for these gigs since he will play the bass on these gigs.We are still waiting for some important decisions regarding full endorsment of gear.Like always these things takes time..
I can just say that there is much on going at this moment and it's to early
to tell yet, but it's all looks very positive for the band.We are also looking into to expand the merchandise with more Everegrey items.

I will try to answer all your questions ....
Take Care

ZP -Evergrey crew-
Just wanted to clear something up... Are Evergrey still playing at Motstoy Festival. I am planning on being in Europe/Scandinavia around that time and i'm very keen on seeing Evergrey there.
I noticed it isnt on the tour schedule on the main page, yet it is advertised on the Motstoy site. Just a little confused that's all...
HAHAHA! Whenever a band's last attempt at blatant commercialism fails horrendously, they come up with a "return to roots" statement claiming their next one will be their "heaviest" yet.

Sorry folks, but considering how bad MMA sucked, I can't help but think the glory days of Evergrey are way behind them and they'll never recapture the SDT and ISOT vibe, especially with the current lineup.

And have they signed to NB yet? What about the producer? Is it going to be the Britny Spears or Beyonce Knowles guys turning the knobs this time LOL.
batmura = fatmoron ?

MMA is awesome ; how can you say they failed you funny guy ?

Don't worry about him. He is a prog snob, who continuously post commercials of his so called "album reviews" to any forum he could get. I don't even think he has a musical ear.
I just wanted to thank you ZP for your response ! I will check the updates on the website for further details about the tour and new album ! I'm so excited to hear Evergrey's new album and even more to see them perform live ! And will you guys stop whining about MMA ? Every band needs to try new stuff to find their own path ! And real fans can understand that :P Anyway, Evergrey rocks !
Hi Kerrsive!

Regarding your question about Motstoy festival,
it' will be confirmed in the next couple of days.
The german BYH gig went well.I do not have much news for you at the moment .But I will be back soon.


HAHAHA! Whenever a band's last attempt at blatant commercialism fails horrendously, they come up with a "return to roots" statement claiming their next one will be their "heaviest" yet.

Sorry folks, but considering how bad MMA sucked, I can't help but think the glory days of Evergrey are way behind them and they'll never recapture the SDT and ISOT vibe, especially with the current lineup.

And have they signed to NB yet? What about the producer? Is it going to be the Britny Spears or Beyonce Knowles guys turning the knobs this time LOL.

Here we go again...
And will you guys stop whining about MMA ? Every band needs to try new stuff to find their own path ! And real fans can understand that

Who's whining. I'm saying i was disapointed, and i'm not the only one at that... :Smug: If someone here tells someone else he is a morron, because the other person doens't like MMA (eventhough he could have said it less blunt), i'm speeking my mind...

Disagreeing with a bands decission is every fans right, look how it went for Iron Maiden... (Although i still say they should have hired Damian Wilson, instead of Blaze, then they would have never needed Dickinson back)
Yes of course, anyone can clearly state their idea about the new stuff. But i think there must be a line between stating ones oppinion, and mocking around, especially in the official forum of the band. Cause we are the same persons who hug these guys and try to get a photo together whenever we find the oppurtunity. And i don't think anyone says "last album sucked, Tom" in this very position :) Stay true to yourselves.
Hey Ayreonaut:

Damian Wilson instead of Blaze? That'd have been interesting indeed, but I really can't imagine Damian singing Maiden tunes. :lol: I hope he'll return to Ayreon at some point though.