EVERGREY nominated for a Grammy in Sweden


Feb 12, 2002
Hi just wanted to let you know that we have been nominated for a Grammy in Sweden.
Other nominees are
Backyard Babies
The Haunted

Hail the king
' tom
:worship: How awesome is that, was it for the album or a song???Congratulations again guys this is huge for Evergrey...


NP: Evergrey - Recreation Day<-Just happed to work out like that :loco:
Congratulations Tom, Henrik, Mike, Jonas & Rickard!! We're all routing for you here in the States.
Now, let's hear the details of the nomination....
Awsome, good luck to The Guys. Finaly the better bands of the underground are being recognised, now i realy LOVE Sweden, and Hate those MTV basterds even more.
Cover the Earth with the darkside guys, and make it just one huge fuckin dark place!!

Daniel \m/
Awesome news! Congrats guys!

Geez, Grammy's in Sweden are sure a lot better than our crummy U.S. Grammy's where only boy bands and Britney Spears get much recognition. Even when a good band is so much as nominated you don't see more than about 1 second of coverage...

Again, congrats to Evergrey for a much deserved nomination.
Well let us hope that the WINNER is deservingly picked and not just some fucking journalistic favorite tv-hoe´s!!! Go GREY GO! I mean people will have to pick ´grey up after they win this award and make jesters of themselvs at the afterparty!! ;)
One Kill Wonder is pretty much as good as Recreation Day...they work for different moods though. Too bad Opeth didn't win.
Still, a Grammy isn't a big deal.
It's a great step for the band anyway. They sure looked happy in TV btw, one of the few highlights were the flashes of the hardrock nominees, Evergrey included.