Evergrey:RD Sound Problems?


Mar 25, 2003
Tampa, Fl
The Recreation Day album's sound overall is decent, but I must say there are producer mustakes. The tracks Recreation Day, and I'm Sorry both have major sound problems. Listen to I'm Sorry as verse 1 gets louder, you can clearly hear static. I thought I was the only one hearing this but I then loaned it out to a friend, and he found the same problem. Please keep in mind, I'm really into Evergrey and all, but someone in control of producing this album needed to be booted!
I actually didn't notice anything when I listened to it in our store...I've listened to the mp3's for a while now and I don't notice anything there either,but then again I perhaps don't pay attention that much nor do mp3's have all the details.
I can't find any problems with the production, I'd say it's very good.

I started to wonder the other day, when I listened to November Doom's "Welcome to the Fade". One track with only piano (7?), started to make strange noises, like hiss/crackles. I took out the CD and noticed a couple of stains, made by someone else than myself. So that solved the problem.
There's nothing seriously wrong with the production. The bass would kick a bit more if the higher bass end wouldn't be so loud, but I don't complain - the record is very good sounding and really listenable.

And if some parts are louder than the others I think it's good - have you ever heard about a thing called dynamics?
I have noticed these problems too. There seem to be a crackling noise in "I'm Sorry" and it appears only in the right speaker if I remember it right. As you said, there is also a problem in "Recreation Day". The whole sound (including the voice) gets distorted when the first chorus kicks in. The last time they do the chorus it's not nearly as pronounced. This problem isn't that apparent when played through speakers, but it is very noticeable in a pair of decent headphones. Those two songs are the only ones where I really noticed problems and it doesn't bother me much, but the problems do exist.

Now, I don't expect that many others will hear these things, since there don't seem to be many people that like heavy metal that have a good stereo system...

I might also add that I think that Recreation Day, along with In Search of Truth are the best hardrock albums ever made, (despite any weird sound problems on RD :loco: ) So damn good albums! :cool:
Brunnis said:
I have noticed these problems too. There seem to be a crackling noise in "I'm Sorry" and it appears only in the right speaker if I remember it right. As you said, there is also a problem in "Recreation Day". The whole sound (including the voice) gets distorted when the first chorus kicks in. The last time they do the chorus it's not nearly as pronounced. This problem isn't that apparent when played through speakers, but it is very noticeable in a pair of decent headphones. Those two songs are the only ones where I really noticed problems and it doesn't bother me much, but the problems do exist.

Now, I don't expect that many others will hear these things, since there don't seem to be many people that like heavy metal that have a good stereo system...

I might also add that I think that Recreation Day, along with In Search of Truth are the best hardrock albums ever made, (despite any weird sound problems on RD :loco: ) So damn good albums! :cool:

That was indeed what I was thinking. I too enjoy the album, but I skip those 2 tracks due to the soud problem, because I do use headphones to listen to music when on the net. My Friend btw hears my albums on headphones at work, since he's a radio tech (radio planes, cars and stuff like that, Not music radio!) lol

Well thanks for the info on it being the right earphone on "i'm Sorry", Since that means a friend of mines stero is set on mono right now.
Hi I jsut wanted to comment on the distorted sound on Im sorry , its of course meant to be there as a sort of disturbing sound that is boosting tremendously .... which we think is very cool ....as for the other stuff I can't comment since I dont hear it at all .

all the best
Nosferatu6 said:
Hi I jsut wanted to comment on the distorted sound on Im sorry , its of course meant to be there as a sort of disturbing sound
that is boosting tremendously .... which we think is very cool ....as for the other stuff I can't comment since I dont hear it at all .

all the best

Thanks for replying to this thread. I sort of understood what you and the band were trying to do, as it is a way of building up the song and addig shock, but personally I thought it sonded out of place. But then again, The rest of th album ruled. I personally enjoyed that acoustic "Madness caught another victum" which was very interesting. My only complaint was it was to short. lol. But then again it really fitted well with the tracks near it, being: "Fragents", and "your darkest hour". Infact it was perfect in many respects. Infact, have "Your Darkest Hour" at the end of the three was very cool, in respect to showing a person speak of dieing, Giving the final words to loved ones, then speaking to the loved ones dead in some way ask to just blame them for it and move on. Deep stuff there for sure. Well thanks for reading this thread Tom. Hope to see you in Alanta, Ga at ProgPower USA!
I'd have to agree about Recreation Day. There's definitely noticeable distortion in the chorus, sounds like clipping to me. I love the song, but when using headhpones or listening on my good system the distortion is bad enough to be a distraction.
Hell, now I noticed it! It's true, Recreation Day choruses do distort a bit. I hear it even with my loudspeakers, not only with my portable CD player...
I own the digibook version w/ bonus track, and I do actually hear some of the clipping. Listen with headphones at about 0:45-0:48 when the first chorus kicks in (My every morning...). I didn't notice it at first, but there is some clipping on the vocals. It's there on the other choruses as well, although the later ones have less clipping. Probably a minor error at the mastering stage. I should also mention that I've had the song way before the release date and I just noticed it so it's not a huge problem...

Great album though. On a more positive note, by listening with headphones, I just noticed there are some great bass lines on the album that are very clear with headphones.