Evergrey Sites May Be Back Up by Tomorrow


Just a Kid at Heart
Good afternoon,

I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere yet or not, but Tom S. Englund just told me that the Evergrey sites (MySpace and their official site) may be back up by tomorrow (Thursday).

The reason why they were taken down made perfect sense to me. Apparently, someone was posting defamatory (and incorrect) information about the band on their official site's forum and on their MySpace page.

So the sites were taken down long enough to work things out with the people involved.

I apologize if this information has been mentioned elsewhere. But I know many people have been asking and wondering where the sites went and so I asked Tom today during my interview with him.

A world without Evergrey sites is a sad world indeed. So I'm looking forward to seeing them restored in all their glory.



P.S. My interview with Tom will be posted on the NotesFromTheOtherSide.com site as soon as possible. Interesting conversation. I was surprised by a few of his answers. :)
The forum's back up, although the site is not.

If there was anything defamatory posted on the forum, I never saw it; I monitor it pretty closely and try to delete that crap asap; it had been pretty quiet since we punted a couple of the troublemakers. A pox on 'em. :p