Every CD I've purchased in 2004:

I don't keep a log of what I bought.

Wolverine is 2004.

mousewings needs a good hard shag. Or a dildo.

I will explore Kayo Dot much more in 2005 because I'm only going to focus on minimal new releases. I spent way too much time in 2004 listening to 2004 only releases. Top 5 for 2005 = Slough Feg, Hammers of Misfortune, Judas Priest, Nokturnal Mortum, Novembers Doom.

The best thing I ever bought in 2004 was the complete DVD boxset for "The Office". *Quite possibly the best comedy show ever*. Seriously, if you've seen it, you'll know it would be hard to debate that statement.

I am dialed up to the web from my hotel room via 56K modem. Can you believe that? Although I have a view of the water and lots of palm trees. Believe it bitch.
JayKeeley said:
I have a view of the water and lots of palm trees. Believe it bitch.
You're in Florjewda, the wang of America! :loco:

I shall hone my purchasing even further next year. I have a handful of CD-Rs to replace but other than that, NO new bands, only groups I already listen to and love.
over half of my CD collection was bought this year so I'm not even going to try to list them all. (only starting the middle of last year I got access to good CD stores and replacing downloaded music with physical media is a very costly business, additionally I've only discovered some great mailorders this year)
Next year should be pretty promising. Since I've finally caught up on a lot of old releases that I hadn't heard 'til this year, 2005 will be the time when i can actually start to focus on new stuff.
JayKeeley said:
Top 5 for 2005 = Slough Feg, Hammers of Misfortune, Judas Priest, Nokturnal Mortum, Novembers Doom.

The Provenance.

JayKeeley said:
The best thing I ever bought in 2004 was the complete DVD boxset for "The Office". *Quite possibly the best comedy show ever*. Seriously, if you've seen it, you'll know it would be hard to debate that statement.

I saw an episode on the flight to Finland last year. I honestly thought it was a drama and was supremely confused when I noticed people talking about it as something to laugh at.

Maybe it didn't help that I still don't have the slightest clue what 'redundancy' means in terms of employment.
Jim LotFP said:
I saw an episode on the flight to Finland last year. I honestly thought it was a drama and was supremely confused when I noticed people talking about it as something to laugh at.
Ah yes, I suppose the lack of staged audience laughter might make it a tad confusing.
Yeah, it's dry humour. It's like the perfect antedote to "Friends", "Everybody Loves Raymond", or "man slips on banana peel, everybody laughs" sort of thing.
If I had a gigantic blender, Friends and Everybody Wants To Fucking Murder Raymond would've died long ago. Maybe I should check out this ... comedy thing (on the 1st page now, something Office?).
Oh man, you've got to check this out. I got the whole box set (1st and 2nd season plua 2 hour special). It's this supposed 'documentary' based around the workings of an office, led by a completely inept and awkward boss named David Brent. Here he is for your pleasure:


The comedy is so cringeworthy (people saying all the wrong things at the wrong time) that you will laugh and shake your head in disbelief at the same time. You have NEVER seen timing like this. With the humour and the editing (perfectly accurate cut scenes) working together as it does, and the fact that it's English, this should be a winner for most of you lot. (Especially NAD and Erik - I just assume Ayeka and Russell are already sold on this). It's been out for a while, and I'm only now just getting round to it because my shitty cable company do not offer BBC America.

Honestly, I can't recommend it enough. Thing is, I don't know if you can rent this from a Blockbuster type place, but you have Netflix right NAD? They might have it....
I dislike Friends. Trailer Park Boys and Six feet Under are way better.

My acquisitions this year:

The Black Dahlia Murder--Unhallowed
Taake--Helnorsk Svartmetall
Nasheim -- Undergång
Sondre Lerche--Two Way Monologue
Amon Amarth--Fate of Norns

I feel so... deprived compared to everyone else...

JayKeeley said:
mousewings needs a good hard shag. Or a dildo.
Nah for the second. I have hands anyways. For the first, with who? :p I'm also waiting.
If I was a chick, I'd be all over dildos. Great big ones, with names like Black Mambo and The Erectilator.
Yep, not getting anything at all. I prefer hands as using toys without someone around to help me with them ;) makes me feel even more... deprived. :(