Everygrey fan? You MUST see this

Great idea! i have been to wacken the last three years and im for sure going this year as well... To see my favourite band there as well would be the greatest!
This summer for the first time in my life I want to go to W.O.A... If I see my gods there, my worship will be unique.:headbang:
And who's coming to Bang Your Head in Balingen? Don't need no petition there! BYH is a great spot for swedish bands, this year as all years.

love the name

i've gotta say... Europe's got it made with those HUGE festivals.

America has what? Ozzfest with mediocre at best nu-metal? ProgpowerUSA is decent except it's on the other side of the country.

some year i'm gonna go to Europe and catch as many of the festivals as i can.