Everyone is railing on Guerrilla


Mar 17, 2002
I am known for my extreme dislike for communists, but Guerrilla seems still like a reasonable smart fellow. Why are people attacking him with such a menace?
That fucking super pic of ledmag and jizz, is not a cool thing at all....
I am not shock, but dismade, why a 14yr kid would do it
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
One can be a reasonable smart fellow and still be a cock spank.

You know, if that wasn't coming from a baby I might take it into consideration...
If you were a smart kid you'd keep your hole shut. But what am I saying... smart? I bet if you were twice as smart as you are now you'd still be absolutely stupid.

Remember,Famous Amos,we are the 14 yr.olds who are taking this board away from the older members and filling it with shit.They totally lack respect for us and are filled with comtempt...and you know,since we're ONLY 14,we can't have anything reasonable or worthwhile to say.If it was up to these pricks,we wouldn't even be listening to Nevermore,we'd be into bands like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.
You need a fucking kick to you lost damaged fucking peleniel skull
Leave the Girls alone (I bet the cops have told you that a few times eh you fucking diddler )
Stand back for the damaged Case

I hope one day you will face WAR monkey Guerrilla
or what ever your name is cock sucking punk
Come here & Stand in front of the Rock Machine Or Hells Angels
And hope your fucking skirt don't get kicked off you fuckin' tuff typer

KIll your self before someone beats you to it ......Goof

"A good Flame is one that burns the flesh"
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
What the hell is your obsession with my age? It's not that big of a fucking deal.

You seem to get easily pissed off so I like to piss you off.

guerilla, i have learned to realize the following:
those who immediately attack people because of their age are too god damn stupid to think of other things to say... so um.... create an intelligent argument other than "if you werent a baby..." or "you have two braincells and one is on vacation..." that is absolutely fucking stupid... whats your next one liner? "get back in your crib"???? please...
Hey d6s6m6, if you weren't too busy fingering your ass you'd realize that I want to be stupid, annoying and immature. Best thing about you 14 year olds is that you get so easily offended and pissed off. That's why I love you guys, you're so much fun to mess around with.

Keep the flames coming...

i get annoyed at the fact that you use the term "14 year olds" for us younger people... in general, for I, am not 14, but am 15 :lol: and why would you make the assumption of me fingering my ass? why WOULD i want to finger my ass? why do you have an imagination working up an image of a 15 year old male fingering his ass? you are one strange fellow
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
and why would you make the assumption of me fingering my ass? why WOULD i want to finger my ass? why do you have an imagination working up an image of a 15 year old male fingering his ass? you are one strange fellow

Yeah man I know... although I'm straight as a board, 20 years in prison does that to you. 20 fucking years for killing a 15 year old guy and his 14 year old girlfriend who teamed up on me and thought they could get away with it.

Some of my posts are pretty damn lame, but I don't give a flying fuck. And none of them are as lame as the "ledmag on ilovecum.com" post. I mean, really, that shit's been done so many times before. At least try some originality. And find something better to do with your life than flame people just because they're 14. You were 14 once, did you think people should've given you shit about it? No. Do I go to message boards and attack 5 year olds because they're 5? No. I leave people the Hell alone if I don't want to talk to them. And before you say "Well, then, why are you talking to me?" I shall answer for you. I'm talking to you because I feel that you have gone somewhere you shouldn't by insulting people just because of their ages.

Aww I love you sooo much... you make it so interesting and fun... How about a wittle kiss on the cheek huh? Aww you're such a cute baby... come on, that's it come on keep coming, awww yees!!! did you see that??? she just walked for the very first time... how sweet is that? Aww... Aww... Aww... such a wittle cutie baby.

"Hey d6s6m6, if you weren't too busy fingering your ass you'd realize that I want to be stupid, annoying and immature. Best thing about you 14 year olds is that you get so easily offended and pissed off. That's why I love you guys, you're so much fun to mess around with."
"Aww I love you sooo much... you make it so interesting and fun... How about a wittle kiss on the cheek huh? Aww you're such a cute baby... come on, that's it come on keep coming, awww yees!!!"
Guerrilla, are you by any chance a Catholic Priest?