Buzz Lightyear cereal turned my shit green!


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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thats right kiddies. my mom bought me some buzz lightyear cereal for my birthday becuase shes a fuckin smart ass and all i eat is cereal and sandwiches since i moved out. anyways, that fuckin cereal turned my shit green. i dont know what kind of chemicals are in it, but its still pretty tasty so i think ill continue to eat it. just thought id share that with everyone.
hahaha im sure there is some kind of cereal taht does that. the company i work for makes cookies that turn your shit blue. its a really bizzare sight. shit isnt supposed to be bright colors haha.
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
:lol: i gotta try that.... they gotta make one that turns ur shit RED, so you can combine both and celebrate christmas all year long!

Turn your shit red? You sure that aint blood?

hehehe anal bleeding is funny
I ate the Buzz Lightyear cereal and my shit didn't turn green or maybe I just didn't pay enough attention. Either way, I've got to go buy that cereal and see.
yeh dude. its called Buzz Blasts or osmthing. its little green flying saucers. i recomend everyone go out and get a box. you wont be sorry.
hahah fruity pebbels turns me shit green. And Welches grape soda hahaha, it turns my shit to LIME green.

ANd its usually the typw of shit that takes a whole case of fuckin TP to get the stuff off your ass. YOu cant shake that shit off.
you can go to lunch at Chipotle's Mexican grill, get one of those 3/4 lb burritos with the extra hot sauce, and your anus will truly become a ring of fire. you will be pleading to the gods of bowel movements for the shitting to stop, but it will be hopeless, oh yes, mere mortal, your ass will have a permanent imprint of the toilet seat.
those Chipotles are intense enough without hot sauce

too fucking huge!

i can never eat a whole one, but damn, they're good.

back in college we used to go to BW3s, a chicken wing place, this crazy german kid got a huge order of the hottest ones they had, and ate them all. the next morning in class he was running to the shitter every few minutes, and said it was such a horrible burning pain! ahahah..
Hey,all you people w/red shit and bleeding sure that isn't just from being penetrated too many times?:err::lol:
I'm sorry,but you had to see that coming:lol: You just expect comments like that when you're talking about the different colors your shit has been and then you start talking about bleeding assholes.
Buzz Lightyear cereal is just gross.2 friends of mine had that once.I didn't stay at the house long enough to see what color it turned their shit,but it turned the milk into slime and the stuff just looked disgusting.