Everyone.. please read!!


Chilean Rocker
Dec 16, 2006
Santiago, Chile
Ok. I caught your attention? Great!

Straight to the point:

I'm designing a high end plugin about IMPULSES, guitar-bass oriented basically.
I cannot tell you more about it right now for obvious reasons , but I'd really appreciate if you all could share some thoughts about impulses as you use them nowadays
What tools would you like to have in your current impulse setup right now? i.e.: if you use voxengo pristine space, what do you think it lacks of? What feature you think it would be killer...etc

Any thoughts of this nature will be highly appreciated, and don't worry, As soon as I'm able to reveal you more about it, I assure you will be the first ones to have a taste of it.. and i'm sure it will be great!!:rock:
I want the actual convolution technology to improve. It needs to model distortion, variance over time, and also react differently when fed different input signals, at different input volumes. Short of that, I just want a plug-in that lets one load in an impulse in a bare-bones scenario, that will give the most transparent sound, as the impulse creator intended... or at least as close as possible to the creator's analogue cab sound.

Oh also an easy way to get multiple impulses going at once. So one can simulate 2 mics on a cab, or two different cabs being run at once.
Actually we're still struggling with that technology. Nebula is doing a wonderfull job with distortion , dynamics, etc. But its still under developement
So far, I'll take those about mutiple mics and cabs... Actually, thats already considered :kickass:
I would love to be able to use my own amps poweramp section instead of someone elses which has a fixed presence level. I don't know if that's possible at all without making my own impulses. I guess that would mean we need new impulses which didn't run through someone elses poweramp section. Not sure if that's impossible or not, just a wish I had :)
Oh also an easy way to get multiple impulses going at once. So one can simulate 2 mics on a cab, or two different cabs being run at once.

+1, and an adjustable sample delay on each mic to align mics that haven't been recorded in phase.

Also (and most important for me), RTAS and/or AudioSuite. :p
1)A function to select the length of the impulse to be used (like KeFIR)
2)A function to cut automatically the silence at the beginning of the impulse to prevent latency (Revalver RIR has this automatic function)
3)If multiple impulses are supported, a function to set an offset/delay to prevent phase cancellation (like Voxengo Pristine Space)
4)HPF and LPF would be usefull
5)Browsing the impulse folders like Machinated said
I would love to be able to use my own amps poweramp section instead of someone elses which has a fixed presence level. I don't know if that's possible at all without making my own impulses. I guess that would mean we need new impulses which didn't run through someone elses poweramp section. Not sure if that's impossible or not, just a wish I had :)

If you use a SS poweramp, and don't play the sweep too loud, you'd get a clean impulse of the speaker only.
lower the CPU usage

voxengo boogex and pristine space kill my CPU .. so i can never have more than 2 channels with those plugins loaded and that is what really blows about impulses for me atm
I have Altiverb and it kicks ass IMO. That being said, It would be nice if yours worked on a Mac.

I agree. If you are able to put out a more affordable impulse plugin for Mac, it will do well, because Altiverb is expensive and does more than most guitarists need. I think you can find a niche here, especially if your plugin sells for $25 or so, and has a great user interface. Even though I own and love Altiverb, it's overkill most of the time for me and has some strange preset recall issues in Cubase. I would definitely use a more streamlined, guitar-oriented product if it existed for my guitar tracks, and save Altiverb for doing reverb on drums, vocals, etc.

Let us know as soon as you have a website/mailing list, etc. and if you need a graphic designer, I'm here. :)
Some ideas that pop up:

Experiment with a three way (phase linear) cross-over design. Vintage 30 for lowend, some 10 inch for mid and an 8 inch for hi freqencies, so we can make stacks that don't just emulate the real thing, but will give us some new stuff to experiment with.

Sample speakers with and without inner dampingmaterial (damping the cabinet with rockwool removes the notches in the midfrequencies).

Give us control over speakerresonancetime, make the resonance shorter/longer (like shortening a reverbimpulse wich is basically the same I guess).

Sample the back of the cabinet a la Bob Rock.

Make samples with two (SM57) mikes that can be used together. One centercone, other about 1/3 to the edge, the works.

Add a tweakable phaseshift between the two mikes.

Place the cabinets in a large hall (on some chairs or stuff so it won't rest on the ground) and put some screens/curtains around it (and on the floor below it) during sampling, due to the closemiking (and the length of the reverbradius) almost no reverb will be added to the impulse, just pure cabinetsound. We can add reverb later.

Add a distortion and a compressor after the impulse to emulate excursionlimits.

And please don't make it 'light on the cpu' because that will kill quality. IR's need to crunch numbers to sound good. Make the impulses not too short, it will affect Lo-end response.

If you need a betatester, please pm me. :cool:
Cool suggestions!

I will manage to do some of them as long as it doesnt go out of my "concept"
I mean,post processing,fx and stuff can be easily put by the user later. The main thing here is to offer an accurate and great way to put sound to your guitars

Kaz. sure ! We're still in the programming stage