Need your wisdom


Jun 22, 2009
I'm trying to go into recording procedures and mostly interested in guitar.
I have some questions that need to be clarified.
First of all i will start with my gear:1.guitar->fireface 800 (instr channel)->Cubase5->Revalver mkiii-> C4->Paragraphic eq (8band)
My first question is, i have read in this great forum that metal guitars must quad tracked. So if i use impulses in my revalver cab do i have to use the same impulse for the four guitars or do i have to use a different impulse for every guitar. Am asking this cause i bought redwirez mesa RectifierV30s impulses and it has impulses of the same mic from different positions, so do i have to combine em for example (100%left no1 impulse 70%left no 2 impulse 70%right no3 and 100%right no4)?
My second is if i buy a preamp probably an (engl or peavey 6505) and plug it into my fireface 800 using impulses will i see a tragic improvement on my recordins? cause as i can see the main character of the sound is affected by the impulse that is loaded and not so by the preamp.

Here is a take i made using the same impulse(redwirez):

Is that guitar sound ok for making a boomy mix or need improvements.
I really need your pro advices.

Thank you in advance
Well, first of all, a lot of guys on here prefer double tracking instead, as it often gives a tighter performance. Especially if you're recording fast stuff, thrash etc... I would recommend against using a different impulse on each take, I don't think it's really necessary. You could use one impulse for 100L and 100R, and then use another for 80L and 80R if you wanted, just see how it sounds though. And lastly, the preamp makes a ton of difference, especially when you're talking about a real one, and not software. You will almost always get a better, more realistic sound of out a well tweaked, real head.
Am 1 step away from buying one, like the "6505® Plus Head", but i would gladly hear opinions on which one is better for a metal band.

You pretty much can't go wrong with a 6505/5150. A lot of people on here like the Mesa Dual Rectifier. If you just want a preamp to use with impulse, then check into the Engl 530 also.