Definitive Shootout - Revalver vs 6505

Results were posted waaaay too soon, but thanks for thee thread anyway.
My guess was right. Revalver did a good job producing a very usable tone.
There are too many things lacking compared to the real thing

Did you even listen to the clips? ReValver sounded GREAT for not being mixed in 64 bit mode and using the greener Tube Screamer. Many people even guessed incorrectly which was analog and which was digital! Geesh!
Did you even listen to the clips? ReValver sounded GREAT for not being mixed in 64 bit mode and using the greener Tube Screamer. Many people even guessed incorrectly which was analog and which was digital! Geesh!

Haha, that was what I was getting at with my last post. That and the comment about the "plastiky sound"... It just baffles me some of the claims made sometimes.

It would be all good and well if the 'plastic' claims came BEFORE the results were announced (and for a few people they did, so congrats on the integrity). With retrospect it seems everyone's an expert :lol:. Just wish this could've gone on a little longer prior to the results having been revealed.
It just baffles me some of the claims made sometimes.

+1. When you have to sit at your desk studying both soundclips over and over attempting to hear any variations or hints that might suggest one is an analog signal or a digital signal, I think it's more than safe to say that either tone is a fully useable tone within a mix. And isn't that our ultimate aim? I honestly never thought I would see the day when a digital modeler could come that close to sounding like a real tube amp, I just thought it was impossible, but ReValver has impressed me.

With retrospect it seems everyone's an expert :lol:

+1. Moonlapse, I'm looking forward to your next test.
I thought it sounded damn close personally, though I might nominate that the differences could possibly become greater in a mix rather than more subtle (just like how the differences between two preamps might not be that big on solo guitar tracks but would be magnified as everything stacked up), so it'd be interesting to hear with drums. And FYI, I actually had KT77's in the power amp of my JSX when I made those, and while I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, I made the mistake of using one of the top speakers, and for my upcoming batch with my dual rec I'll use the bottom that should be even better! AND, I'll probably use Nebula3 as well ;)
Ooh Nebula you say.... Could I implore you to do at least a few using some of the top speakers? I never, ever mic the bottoms on a cab simply due to acoustic issues. You're closer to the floor so you get more comb filtering & pick up more rumble. I've always found the top set to be cleaner and more focused.

If you do a set with Nebula I might do another shoot-out where it's Nebula vs Impulses, along with revalver vs real amp. Might make it a 4-way shoot-out and see which permutation people like most. Probably let it run for a week or so to get a wide array of responses.
I thought it sounded damn close personally

Agreed. I could barely tell the difference, not running it on a expensive pair of monitors like but I don't know where the "plasticky" comments are coming from.

If it wasnt for the amp breathing sound at the end, I doubt I'd have been able to tell.
I never, ever mic the bottoms on a cab simply due to acoustic issues. You're closer to the floor so you get more comb filtering & pick up more rumble. I've always found the top set to be cleaner and more focused.

There's that GearSlutz creepin' in again... :lol:

Ooh Nebula you say.... Could I implore you to do at least a few using some of the top speakers? I never, ever mic the bottoms on a cab simply due to acoustic issues. You're closer to the floor so you get more comb filtering & pick up more rumble. I've always found the top set to be cleaner and more focused.

If you do a set with Nebula I might do another shoot-out where it's Nebula vs Impulses, along with revalver vs real amp. Might make it a 4-way shoot-out and see which permutation people like most. Probably let it run for a week or so to get a wide array of responses.

Well actually I wouldn't get your hopes too high Ermin, cuz I'm looking at the website and it seems you have to buy the full version of Nebula 2 (cheaper) for 20 Euros and THEN another 80 Euros to upgrade to Nat 3! :ill: (I can't find a way to just buy Nat 3 alone, they only seem to offer it as an upgrade :Smug: )
really looking forward to these shootouts..
Ermin, which exact impulse from Metaltastic did you use if I may ask?
Ah, rockin' dude, sounds great! Was that one of my impulses also?

Ooh Nebula you say.... Could I implore you to do at least a few using some of the top speakers? I never, ever mic the bottoms on a cab simply due to acoustic issues. You're closer to the floor so you get more comb filtering & pick up more rumble. I've always found the top set to be cleaner and more focused.

On this topic, wouldn't it make more sense to record guitars on a carpet, regardless of which speaker you're mic'ing? I find it hard to imagine there could be any benefit to mic'ing a cab positioned on a reflective surface (and since I'm at my parents house where pretty much EVERYTHING is carpeted, it's not like I'll have a choice! :D)
Can I get the dry signal, impulse file and Revalver preset/setting? I will try to make a different approach to get to real one closer and I'll post 6 - 8 variations :) .
Thanks for doing this guys. I guessed wrong. What's funny is that when I saw the answers, I started to "hear" all these flaws with B anyways. It reminds me about the importance of doing blind tests. Bias can be so ridiculously powerful.

Just two small suggestions in future tests. 4x oversampling and hold on to the answers a little longer :).
Yes, the same one of your impulses on all tracks. You should really get deeper into doing these impulses, for me (and I'm sure Ermin agrees) they are the best ones yet in terms of overall quality. And believe me, I've tested them all :)

Damn, thanks a bunch man, I'm glad they worked out so well! I'm definitely gonna get crackin' on another set, believe me :)