Everyone ready for USB-stick albums?

I dont mind new ways of storing music however I want a nice cover art, a nice booklet and the whole package which is why I would never spend money on buying mp3's even if they come with jpg's of the album booklet. I want something physical. I can rip the albums if I want it in my mp3-player anyway.
"What are you doing tonight?"

"Sitting back with a beer and spinning some vinyl. You?"

"Digging up my 366 so I can spin some 525"
with all of the next generation things coming out, i.e. blu ray, etc., i'm really not surprised. they were bound to start releasing new ways to sell music in stores eventually.

dont like it though.
You live in the single most concentrated metal scene, by far, in the entire country. Your experience is hardly a legitimate representation.
I think metal fans in general are about the biggest group that is still for supporting the physical product, but we still have a big glut of people who are all about downloading, and they're completely unashamed. Try to search for cover art for any metal band and you'll find blogs with it just sitting there on .rar. Read reviews and see how one out of every 5 or so talks about how they downloaded the album to review.

I think we're the biggest supporters but we still have a long way to go.
i download alot but when i have the extra cash, i almost always buy the albums that i downloaded and i plan on physically owning everything on my itunes eventually (aside from the out of print stuff due to the fact that those get extremely expensive)

as for USB stick albums, it's a pretty gay idea. also, that means we would have to spend more money to get a USB stick player in our cars :lol:
Actually if it meant they were in some lossless format or something it might be okay...
I wonder what it would be like if you were FYE and they started taking used USB drives. At least it would be easier to check if shit worked rather than having it as a CD. You'd only really need to check to see if the USB drive stopped responding.