Everything is an offensive crisis begging to become a cause.

Not possible to listen to more than 20 sec of that bullshit. These people with nothing to do are really annoying. Seriously, get a life you useless miserable failure of mother nature. It would have been my car, she would have been out the moment she opened her mouth.
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What you've just witnessed is textbook SJW behaviour, really. While normal people first see something inappropriate and then confront people about it, SJW's actively look for something to be offended by, and then proceed to pile verbal insults on them (on the Internet, expect them to call the tumblr-cavalry so they can dogpile, their favourite tactic). This woman isn't really offended, she just sees the hula dancer as an excuse, as a licence to go on a vitriolic rant and to attempt to get someone fired. Make no mistake, this bitch isn't upset or indignant - she's having the time of her life. These SJW's are usually powerless people who've been insignificant their entire life, but who now see this absolutely retarded social justice movement as a wave to surf on.

Another example are the infamous (and hilariously nicknamed) Carl the Cuck and the AIDS Skrillex. They're supposedly protesting against Donald Trump, but in reality they're there to throw abuse at people because being part of a social justice group is the only way for them to be able to act like total dicks and feel justified for it. Just look at their faces while they're ranting, they're actually [/i]enjoying[/i] themselves.

People like these SJW's have always existed, but the problem these days is that the SJW movement gets so much traction because a lot of Gen Y kids have never known true hardship, and they're just blowing every minor thing out of proportion. They've never seen war (unlike the GI Generation), they've never had to work really hard for what they have (unlike Baby Boomers*), and they haven't been told they were worthless and would never amount to nothing (like us Gen X'ers). Instead they've been coddled, told they were special, and bought with expensive stuff all their lives. They've never had true opposition or real confrontations, because their parents blamed teachers, schools, the state, friends, other parents, everyone but their own precious children (or themselves) for their shortcomings. They always got free passes, and then suddenly, they're on the Internet, where they have to account to no one and they have free rein to heap abuse on people they don't agree with. It's a worrying trend (see also: safe spaces and 'controversial' speakers banned at universities), and I don't see it getting better, because even older and more rational people are apparently getting fooled by this bullshit. Just look at the support this contemptible Black Lives Matter movement gets. Only a generation like Gen Y would be dumb enough to subscribe to that racist, selectively blind, criminal and even murdering movement.

On the other hand, while they're sitting on the Internet, acting like they're morally superioir but secretly only trying to temporarily dull the pain of their own crushing pointlessness and misery, I'm sitting here, a beer in my hand, enjoying a lovely evening with my girlfriend, with whom I have a happy and mutually respectful relationship, while SJW's are lonely and miserable on the Internet, calling me a misogynist and a racist while they're the ones with no one to love them.

I would also like to add that Lauren Southern - while hardly an unbiased or objective source - is one of the few women who can get covered in piss and still look hot.

* You can't hate Baby Boomers enough - they're selfish greedy bastards who ruined the economy and left us to pay the bill but you can't denythat they've worked very, very hard in their lives
Incidentally, the Empress of the Continent of Hawaii in question:


No Problem Glasses or Problem Hair, but definitely Problem Tattoos visible. Problem Voice confirmed on video. Probably fat.
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The thing that seals the deal is the ending every sentence as if it were a question, followed by another sentence with vocal fry at the end.

If there were ever a thing to get a pass for throat punching a woman, that would be it.