EVH 5150 III Clip w/7 string


New Metal Member
May 29, 2005
I lurk here, but I have gotten some great info from you all.

EVH 5150 III head with a 7 string w/EMG 707, slight boost from a BB Preamp, G-Flex cab with 2 ports closed, lead on 2nd channel.:

SoundClick song info: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/songInfo.cfm?bandID=503479&songID=5604000

ANY feedback is always welcome.... I don't have the recording knowledge many of you do, and while this is just a rough I made ANY tips would be great!
And now that I've heard it in my monitors, I think the guitars sounds good but lacks a bit highend.
Thanks for the kind words and for the listen, much appreiciate it!

It was done at loud television levels, and no post eq on this rough. I think I should be able to make it work for me well.
Interesting panning choice on the intro. These guys are a little sloppy, but it still sounds good and scary. What did you use for the cello sound? Guitars are definitely way undergained and recorded to quiet. If you can record any louder, that would help, otherwise try to boost the high ends with some EQ. The bass is lacking grind too, it just sounds a little bland. The song is great though.