Ewoks vs. Annakin

JayKeeley said:
Believe me when I say it's true.

Do NOT get the DVD trilogy. I have the original deluxe trilogy ripped to DVD (don't bother asking for a copy, I've already tried for spaffe, and for some reason they can't be ripped again). Either way, do not get the DVD release.

You might also be interested in knowing that Lucas also replaced the original Annakin Skywalker with Hayden Christiensen (he superimposed one image on top of the other) at the final scene of Jedi when the "ghosts" of Obi Wan, Yoda, and Annakin appear to Luke on Endor.

Again, and I say this with all my man love for you and your future offspring, do NOT get this bastardization that is the DVD release of the original trilogy.

It can be assumed that the TRUE original trilogy will never see the light of day again, which is just sad sad sad.
You're breaking my heart, Fredo. :cry: :loco:

I think my friend has the originals on DVD, I need to ask him for a copy. Copies, whatever.
The originals were never released on DVD, fyi. The best you can hope for is a LaserDisc or VHS (with LaserDiscs having the best quality but being rarer than pretty much anything).
i am wasted, and atherefore im snot agoing to read anyo fo this post, and all im going to sayt is that if you think Ewoks are a aslegit lifeform you are oabviouslyl anu-metla faggot face and should die etc etc.

Endor should ahv aebenn kasythyyk and tehrs nog etting around that. please listen to overkill.
KASHYYK THE WOOKIE HOME PLANET COME ON JK JEEPERS CREEPERS!Q!!11oi333333333333338rrrrrrrhg[[[[[fasdfdude i have tequotios in the micorwave hell yea! hahahaah!
oh yea, Ewoks were gonna be wookies originally... there were more wookies in ep3 right? i remember vaguely, but was too stoned/bored to pay attention. now i'm starting to realize how little of that movie actually remember.
wio okies are aobivouly scoooler then watever fucking ewoks are supoppsoed to be.

killer fucking wookies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lame bfucking tedy rumpkins