Systematic Mixing Series #2: In Soviet Russia, Drums Slam You

Oh,'s the other way around. Nudge them forward 150ms :)

Lol wut.:u-huh:

I don't know where that 150 ms came from but you might want to check your calculations.

Besides, like Lasse said, try to get everything phase coherent at the source.
Well, I never was that anal about that, I guess I should. But using that method I had been thought I got nice results. Will update it with actual calculations like B36arin said, I guess it will only be for the better ;)

As for checking the phase coherency at the source, sure, like I said, I am using phase meter.
edit: oh jesus christ, I actually wrote 150ms in two consequent posts, the 2nd one being after Brett had quoted me...oh lord haha :lol:
Meant to be 15ms, which still isn't correct by judging the speed of sound, but certainly is not 150. I can't even imagine how that would sound :lol:
Sorry for that biiig typo :/
So, what I am effectively doing is putting tracks a few ms before the snare track.

Anyway folks, try it out. Approximately, sound travels 34,32 cm per ms. Make your calculations RIGHT :)
Well, I never was that anal about that, I guess I should. But using that method I had been thought I got nice results. Will update it with actual calculations like B36arin said, I guess it will only be for the better ;)

It's not about being anal dude. A percusive sound start to sound "flamy" at 10+ ms.
First thanks for the writing this.. its a great read :)
Second, any news on the bass part?

My biggest mix enemy at the moment is the bass and getting it to fit.. so some inspiration would be great haha.
I'd spend $5 on a finished ebook in a heartbeat, especially if it's well-formatted and looks all pretty :).

I really dig learning about different (respectable) engineers' methodologies. It doesn't replace first-hand experience, of course, but I still feel that this sort of guide is somewhat of a shortcut for us budding engineers in that it provides some guidelines, and it does so in a contextually meaningful way, seeing as how so many here are interested in metal specifically. Plus, if I'm mixing vicariously through Ermz, how can I go wrong (right?)? :lol:

Keep it up! I'm anxiously awaiting the bass post so I can be so eloquently forced to get off my ass and buy new strings.
Awesome stuff, i enjoy the subject of course, but do enjoy too your writing, it's focused on what i need to focus at least, great philosophy, great tips, i'm up for buying if you're making commercial versions of these writings, even if they're the same, it's priceless info i don't think you can just find out there on the nets.

:kickass: thanks a ton man!
As an update to the phase alignment issue, and I know it was discussed a bit when it was released, but check out preFIX from variety of sound. It has a built in phase alignment tool. This is great because (like flipping the phase switch back and forth to check as you listen) you can smoothly adjust the phase as you listen.