Tilting drums in an square room.


Oct 31, 2005
Ok, I had this discussion with another studio guy last weekend.......

Say, you have a pretty much square or rectangular room, and it has being sound deadened a fair bit.
Now if you are going to track the drums....would you have the drums about centered in the room and tilted so that the bass drum is pointing to a corner?

How would ya best take this scenario (without adding or subtracting walls and shit:goggly: )
Buy some plywood sheets to lean up against the walls & break up the standing waves. Hell, 2X6's will work for this. Pick 2 walls, & kick the plywood out by about 2 feet. No more problems.

KeithRT99 said:
thats clever ^

Not really. We were building a hemholtz resonator & leaned some 2X6's against a wall. Suddenly, we noticed (me & my builder) that reflections from a hand clap were dissapating much more pleasantly. Talk about dumb luck!
