EWQL VST routing in Reaper

Freak Of Metal

Student Of Sound
Jun 15, 2009
Hey guys. I just got a hold of a copy of the EWQL symphonic orchestra gold edition but am having some trouble with routing. I would like to have each individual instrument (violin, trumpet, etc) routed to it's own track from the main track with the VST loaded, so I don't have to open 12 instances of it. Its probably the same as most other VSTs, but i havent tried this routing thing before. Reaper does it automatically when I load the VST, but it doesnt seem to work that way. Hope someone can help me out. Cheers!:)
I usually create a track group (in Reaper) and put all the MIDI tracks under the group track. Then in the group track, the VSTi is enabled. Essentially, the "group" routes all the MIDI signals to the group track that has the VSTi.

Hope that makes sense.