I don't see tuning as being the same as Eq or Compression. Eq and compression only effect the tone and dynamics of a performance. Tuning fixes the performance.
Sure eq and dynamics fix the performance too, but only in a very subtle way.
my view on it is, If I have an awesome singer (maybe even the best in the area) he is not going to be perfect. now why would I want to settle for anything less than perfect?
As a producer trying to make a living, If you can pull it off in a way that is undetectable then no reason at all .
If the vocal lines sound absolutely pitch perfect beyond human ability but lack expression then thats not real vocals is it lets be honest !
I tracked a band last week and WISHED i had autotune, this guy sucked.
also, out of the 5-10 bands that enquire MAYBE one will actually stick to their guns and record with you, do you really want to blow that by ruining your rep with out of tune vocals on the very minimal amount of work you get?
If we all had bands fighting for us we'd get to choose the good, the bad and the ugly but we don't so we take what we get.
I just dont see the logic behind being able to edit everything even if they suck at their instruments but if a vocalist is bad tough shit its gotta sound like asscracks.
tbh, I like how AT sounds, its the norm