Excellent John Williams Interview

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)

"I never experienced anything like a block. For me if I’m ever blocked or I feel like I don’t quite know where to go at the next turn, the best thing for me is to keep writing, to write something. It could be absolute nonsense, but it will project me into the next phase of thinking. And I think if we ourselves as writers get out of the way and let the flow happen and not get uptight about it, so to speak, the muses will carry us along.

The wonderful thing about music is it never seems to be exhausted. Every little idea germinates another one. Things are constantly transforming themselves in musical terms. So that the few notes we have, 7, 8 or 12 notes, can be morphed into endless variations, and it’s never quite over, so I think the idea of a block is something we need to work through."
Most times I feel 'blocked', what's really happening is simply that I'm not spending time writing..

Fucking life, always getting in the way :bah:
John Williams music for Star Wars is the first music I remember falling in love with. I would lay on the ground by the radio and listen to the Star Wars soundtrack until I fell asleep.