Excellent news


Aug 30, 2001
With the plundered economy, rising utility rates, rising gas rates, and a low paying high labor job, I have come to the conclusion that it is time to cut costs. One of the first amenities to go has to be high speed internet. It is ridiculously expensive around here and one of the few 'luxuries' I have that I can survive without. So with that said, my days here in cyberworld are numbered. I was going to have Comcast come out and look at my modem (because it's been failing miserably lately), but I think I am going to cancel that appointment and just cancel my service with them altogether. It will save me a very good chunk of money each month which will help with other necessities. You can thank George W. Bush for this.

It was cool hanging with and meeting you all, and hopefully I will still be able to stop in every now and then from work (like I am right now). Maybe someday I will get some free dial-up at my home, but at the moment I don't have a home phone. Why pay for a home phone when I have my cell, haha.

And maybe someday I will run into some of you on tour :)

Namaste, my friends. It's been fun :wave:

Thanks guys, and about the DBS promos, I am waiting until I get paid on Friday to mail them. I will send them out at that time.

Karen: I'm really sorry :( I will talk to you later tonight, ok?
Bye for now. Still have and love my Myiasis disc. Maybe one day I'll meet up with you at a show and ask for your autograph like a real fan! Slobber and ooh and ahh, the whole deal.

"Sorry I forgot to send the disc (much later).....we used your money right before band practice to eat at Jack in the Box"....<---- :lol: Jack in the Box!

Support your local bands. They need to eat too!