HMAS Slagdestroyer
I have been able to get it to connect via wifi EVERYWHERE else other than through this router, which I bought at the same time that I reinstalled XP on it to clean it up. I just created a wifi hotspot with my phone to check that it would connect to that, and it has done so fine. There is just something blocking the data from being recieved to the netbook when I am using any kind of secure network from this router. If I disable the wifi security passwords and try to connect, it works fine.
To clarify, which of these is true:
1) you have been able to connect to Wifi elsewhere, but they have all been open/unsecured and you have not tried connecting to a secure network
2) you have been able to connect to Wifi elsewhere but secured networks give you the same issue
3) you have been able to connect to Wifi elsewhere, including secured networks
Also, what are the encryption security settings for your Wifi? WEP is well established as being easy to hack but unless you have a specific reason to suspect someone is piggybacking off your Wifi, use it. WPA-PSK and its variants are more secure but Windows XP's support for it is extremely temperamental. If it works with WEP but you don't feel comfortable with leaving it that way (most additional safeguards on top of WEP like MAC filtering are easily circumventable as well) we can look at options from there. If it still doesn't work.... we'll also look at options from there