excuse me

Please excuse me fine young gents, but have any of you seen that lad Shpongled around lately? I must speak with him at once, for my heart does not beat full since he's been gone :(
Where did Gandalf and Frodo and everyone else go off to? What am I doing here? I don't know what's going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone help me please!
excuse arwen and boromir, for they have been misguided...

*And so the Hobbits of the Shire journey hand in hand out of Hobbiton and through the Shire, they arrive at the bridge of Buckley and narrowly escape a cruel fate by the hands of a Nazgul.

After days of travel they arrive to the Inn of the Prancing Pony......*
who goes there?

Hobbits? why I haven't seen Hobbits around these parts for many a year.
do come in, young masters.

we have some nice Hobbit sized rooms available.
i should warn you there have been some mysterious faces around lately.
who is that? that strange man, over there? i don't like the look of him one bit.