Exodus bass guitar sound.


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2009
Hello, Metal Forum. New member here...Just stumbled upon this site while trying to find the answer to the question posed by my topic's name. I've been looking around everywhere for the equipment Jack Gibson of Exodus uses to get his heavy, metallic sound best heard in the intro to Deathamphetamine and Now Thy Death Day Come. Using the band's site, I found pretty much nothing aside from Morley pedals, of which for bass they only have some Wah...All other sites either didn't list him, or only listed maybe his guitar or other few minor things...

What I'm looking for in particular is any effects pedals, amps and maybe even the strings he uses. I just can't help but love how that bass sounds, and would love to emulate it, but without knowing what's used...Yeah. Any help would be appreciated!
Bump for all those Exodus fans. I really have no idea.

Thanks for the bump. I've got a lot of my friends who...Well, they have me to thank for getting them into Exodus, and whenever they hear most of the Shovel Headed Kill Machine CD, they always turn to me to ask if I know what equipment their bassist uses and to see if I could play some stuff that they'd write just to see how it'd sound, but I've always been clueless and my searches have gotten me nowhere. >.>
yeah you should ask that in that thread, although I remember Andy said somewhere Jack uses a Yamaha bass, he doesn't remember which one. I'm almost sure he admited it's his favorite bass tone he's gotten from his own works, or it was like the best sounding bass he has heard or something like that