Exodus pics Warsaw 15/06/2004


Mar 2, 2003
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pics from the last day of my triple-thrash-treat/trip :D THX TO WALT&STEVE
.... can be found here


Hey YOU - I am talking to YOU - Check 'em out :devil:

ok I'll try to write few words about that great concert :)

Me and a friends of mine came to the "Central Warsow" (Train Station) at diferent hours so we had to wait for each other. When I came there waas 2 guy with Exo in their eyes ;P. We decieded that we have 30 minutes 'till rest of us will come, so we went to the Empik (multimedia shop... this one was really big, so there was a little place with metal cds). After I bought 2cds (Tankard - The Meaning Of Life and Overkill - W.F.O.) we came back to the station. After the meeting we went to the bus station. we couldn'd find the bus, and were a bit pissed off on each other.... but after a while we step into bus without any tickets and beers in hand ;).
The bus took us close to the Zwirki i Wigury 99a ;). After we bought some beers we finally got to the Proxima Club. Beers on the grass etc... ;)
Ok so we decieded to go inside. Some guy inside said: "you cant take beer inside"... so we (a little drunk... not much but... ;)) went outside and drunk one more beer (after this one we were more drunk:p)......
We're inside the club waiting to see Gods... but have to wait 'till supports will stop... I dont really remember first one, but im not sure was it good... lets say.. without emotions...
Then Second one started... A bit better that the band before, but we wanted to see Exo so much that we couldn't listen it carefully ;P waiting, waitnig, waiting..... (why they have such a expensive beer?:p)
And finally Exo went on the stage! They've started and ppl go mad (but there weren't many ppl... it was quite loosely). I will not write about set list, couse i think it was same as everywere in europe (maybe we had a longer encore - 5 more tracks! :D).
IMO they were in great form to play... They had very fuckin' much energy!
Zetro - what i can write 'bout him? Magnificent vocals, great to see him live!
Gary - heh he was smiling like many years ago (like a madman :p)(what you can see on some old live videos;))
Rick - I've really enjoyed his play... I was near to him, so I saw him mad-fuckin'-fingers running on his guitar :D awesome!
Bas-player (dont know his name :| ) - we played nice, but hmm.... a bit to calm... he just played... haven't took his hands to us, or things like that...
Drums.... dont know how was this guy, but he played quite nice :)

The show is through, the metal's gone, it's time to hit the road... ekhm ;P
After the gig, we were having a little rest, and one of us saw Bas-guy (not on the stage), so we went and took some autographs :) I've asked him "could you bring whole band here", and he answered "Im just a bas player - they don't listen to me" hehehe...
We said to ourselfs "maybe whole band will come, anyway?" and stayed a big more.
We were right - Rick came out, and of course we caught him for autographs ;) When he saw how many posters we had (with Exodus logo, and date of gig) he took few, but unfortunetly with autographs :|.
Gary went into the club silently, and I saw him first , so quickly run to him :D. As usual: autographs, thx for gig...
We were hoping for seeing Zetro, but had no chance :|

It was awesome!
Polish fans showed Exodus guys that its worth to come to our coutry, 'couse they have a nice audience here ;) (they came to Poland first time ever...)
I think Zerto saw that energy between Exo and fans under the stage, couse said to rest of the guy that they gonna stay on the stage and play a bit more... I must really thank Exo for that extra bonus!

Its not my faverite band, but show was awesome! One of the best in my short life!

I've also been on this gig. It was goddamn good. Steve signed my Guiness shirt! Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin proud :p. Songs from TEMPO OF THE DAMNED were just fuckin awesome. I was just dissappointed cause they didn't play Impaler... Anywayz they fuckin rule. It's a shame that TestAmenT didn't come to Poland. I would be awesome!