[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Exodus Tempo of the Damned[/font]

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By Krista G., Contributor
Thursday, January 8, 2004 @ 1:52 PM [/font]


The band is somehow renewed, revitalized and solidified. A fire is raging under these guys collective asses -- but, remember that the underdog is a sadistic and underestimated force. Perfectly representing that is the guitar work. Its so nasty and unrelenting. Leads and solos are absolutely insane. Belligerent precision thats constantly morphing, flexing its muscles, with the underlying rhythm work being chunky -- propelling it head long. On the whole, the guitar work is vicious, punishing, groove orientated, exceptional, mental. Speaking of mental -- Steve Souza has never sounded so possessed in his life. There is no voice like this mans. I find him to be especially evil, venomous, spiteful -- while stretching his chords like never before. Some deeper lows, like a near death growl accentuating certain lines -- along with his patented spit and piss on other words (cruci-fucked). The finest vocal work ever by Souza. Lyrically, its outrageous, opinionated, pissed off, and is it ever profane! War, religion, pricks, moving ahead, wedded bliss -- you name it, its here. Bass is finally audible! I mean its distinctly heard, rumbling along with some tricky patterns -- a welcome addition to the songs. Production is clear (Andy Sneap -- need I say more?) The drums are split 50/50 here -- pretty sporadic. Bare bones bashing (it does the job, though) then the other songs that are totally inspired with psycho fills, and complicated patterns. The one weaker spot on the recording -- which is minor in the scheme of the music. This tends to be fast paced, but its slowed down a notch or two to make a few mid-paced songs. Still, its based in the realm of anything goes, free-for-all thrash. Youll be surprised at some of these songs when you do purchase this CD.
Notes on the songs:
1. Scar Spangled Banner -- Psycho riffing and bashing drums open this nasty beast off. Bass lines make a welcome bridge. Evil vocals, with lyrics you can only imagine. Potty mouthed, ferocious metal -- just the way I like it. Im no patriot, just a hatriot.
2. War Is My Shepherd -- This song is rapid machine gun fire, with the near-death style accentuation on the lines war is my shepherd. I had no idea that Souza could strip his vocals like that. Speed metal style solo, extremely fast paced.
3. Blacklist -- Utter perfection. Double solos, hate filled lyrics, near dynamic shifts, intense break downs, and some fine whammy bar work that really hurts. In a good way. Damn, this song is more me than I am. Superb, anthem lyrics.
4. Shroud Of Urine -- Ah, the infamous Shroud of Urine. Its filled with excellent dual guitar work, that may surprise you with its occasional classical influence. Highly quotable, and highly venomous. If this doesnt do something for you, nothing will. And yes, this is where the new word crucifucked comes from.
5. Forward March -- Mesmerizing song to me. Slow, fast, near spoken hissing, and heavily accentuated deep vocals with the chorus. Guitar work is seductive, before the doom tones, and blazing solos. Exodus style call to arms.
6. Culling The Herd -- Heavy song. Deeper vocals, with guitar tones that bend and twist into a stoner vibe... til you hit another fiery solo that slaps you upside the head, forcing you to remember this thrash. Again, highly quotable lyrics.
7. Sealed With A Fist Aww, the joys of wedded bliss. Uh huh. An excellent reworked Exodus song. Added venom, punch, power, ferocity. Catchy, heavy, and more memorable now.
8. Throwing Down -- I swear this has a stoner metal vibe to it. Slower paced, and Ive never heard this band sound like this before. Searing solo, deep vocals, while the drums loosely control/propel this song. Appreciated on its own merits. Similar vibe to this one is Culling the Herd. Reworked song from Gary Holts Wardance project.
9. Impaler -- Reworked classic. Better than the original? Yes -- I said they were rejuvenated. Must be all the Geritol. Just kidding, I use Geritol, too. At the two minute mark this is just a beast, beautiful solos, excellent crazed rendition.
10. Tempo Of The Damned -- The guitar work is all over (goose bump raising), bass lines popping out everywhere, Souza is spitting and screaming. Excellent finale for an outstanding disc.
There are two other songs that didnt make it to this particular release. The cover tune Dirty Deeds was on the European, limited edition EP, War is My Shepherd. And another song, Crime, which is being held back for possible use on a next release. Youre looking at ten songs, but this is 55 + minutes of pure destructive passion and excellent musicianship. Much hype surrounds this band right now -- I truly believe that its justly deserved. Exodus is back with a vengeance -- Tempo of the Damned may end up being one of the top rated recordings for 2004. Rightly so -- its that tight. Released on February 2nd in Europe, on the two-year anniversary date of Paul Baloffs passing. I think this is partly his tribute -- pure speculation on my part -- but I can feel the intensity ooze from every track. The rest of us get it on March 9th. Special thanks to Deadly Walter for providing me the content early. * * * * ½ [/font]