Expectations for Damnation

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I apologize in advance, considering it won't come out until March..

I was wondering if anyone else feels like this could be pretty much the best thing Opeth has ever done.
I love all aspects of Opeth, so of course I love Mikael's death vocals, but what really reels me into Opeth and makes them my favorite band are the amazing melodies that are sung,and the melodies on guitar
So I feel like an album consisting of nothing but strictly melodic songs will be a beautiful change of pace, as no one really knows what to expect, other than what Peter has said...acoustic and electric guitars, no double bass, no growls, proggy influences but also more standard song structures
In Deliverance, while there are less melodic moments, the melodies in it are incredible...the melodic parts in the title track, all of a fair judgement, of course the acoustic part in master's apprentices.
In other words I can't wait for this album, but in the meantime there's D1.
I have very very high expectations. I don't think I'll be let down, either. But I also had high expectations for Deliverance, and I admit that I was let down.

Something makes me think this will fulfill my expectations...and I think that is because I, too, absolutely love the melodic parts of Deliverance.
i think damnation will be good, and probably balance out what kind of seemed like a less-than-perfect Deliverance.

i think it would have been a better idea to release them both together as a double-cd. but then, what do i know about marketing... i do know i would have paid the extra 7 dollars.

but where Deliverance fails is in its overall lack of melody, and that will be made up for in Damnation. The one thing i fear is that Deliverance will end up sounding too monotonous, and Damnation will be too much like eating a bowl full of sugar..
Originally posted by inferenzum
i think it would have been a better idea to release them both together as a double-cd. but then, what do i know about marketing... i do know i would have paid the extra 7 dollars.

Especially since you're paying an extra $12 now, essentially.

Anyway, I'm not sure about Damnation. I really don't know what 70s prog sounds like, so I'm not as sure of what I expect. The melodies in Deliverance ARE really good, so it should at least be decent. I won't be suprised if I don't really like it, but I won't be suprised if it's one of my favorite albums ever.
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
I DID until Lopez' comment "Like the Damnation album, that is totally a 70s album" :rolleyes:

I see this as a very good thing! Oh god...I hope its like Camel's MoonMadness...that album OWNs my ass!

Some absolutely awesome music came out of the 70s...for example, Rush, Camel, King Crimson, Pink Floyd and Yes. Damnation will be fucking awesome if it has strong influences from any of these brilliant bands! :headbang:

Can't wait!
the seventies, being the bastard child of the 60s that it was, spawned some of the greatest music ever as well as laying the groundwork for 90% of everything you hear now. i'm really looking forward to Damnation, even more so since i've read about its having a 70's style.
Originally posted by inferenzum
the seventies, being the bastard child of the 60s that it was, spawned some of the greatest music ever as well as laying the groundwork for 90% of everything you hear now.


In my view, the 70s has been the single-best time period for music - all genres of music.
Heck, even the "pop" bands of the 70s were (mostly) original & talented!

I EAGERLY await "Damnation" & expect it to be the best CD of 2003!
"...& expect it to be the best CD of 2003."

Really? I can't help to think that the anticipation alone for Deliverance ruined it for some. I've liked the heavier side of Opeth since the beginning, but damn those sweet ass melodies they come up with...will change my ways yet. :D

Deliverance doesn't offer many mellow parts, but they were the parts that I heard in my mind later that day and the next...in the middle of the night. They make me want to stop everything at times and put the album on if only to hear that one part.

Hell yeah, I'm excited to see how it'll turn out.
Realizing that Deliverance is really good and enjoyable, but almost a bit too stagnating for an Opeth album, I think that Damnation will be even better: It will be both original (since the concept is new) and well-done (since there is no doubt about the musical quality of Opeth's outputs)
My expectations will be high , assuning that next album will be a collection of killer progressive songs.
I keep reading in interviews that it's not going to be like all the soft parts from the previous albums as I initially expected, but that it's fundamentally DIFFERENT from anything they've ever done, and very 70's prog style. This excites me. Of course whenever you try something new it's not hard to screw it up, but I think Opeth will do it as well as it can be done.