Experience with Free Webhosting?


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany
Hey guys,

since I am just do my first steps in web design *cough* I am looking for some sort of free webhosting.
I just want to test the sites and so on, so upload all the stuff and get a url like this:
ww.steftd.co.de or something like that (just wrote 2 w's because I don't want a real link there :D )

Would be cool if somebody could help me with this, like I said before, I am just starting, and I am not sure if I gonna do this more serious because I get a headache with all the html and css stuff, I just like the design part and do cool shit in photoshop ;)

Free space sucks! It's either ads everywhere or no FTP or just plain shit servers. Some even steal your traffic. That being said, I'd like to know if any "Good" free hosting is out there.
yeah, I know that it would be better to pay for it, but my money is pretty tight at the moment
and I just wanted to try things out, but thanks for all the information.
Nah its pretty much unequivocally terrible.

Even if you do find somewhere the features arent shit then the amount of downtime probably will be.
Thanks for the offer Guru, aslong as I don't have to take a role in one of your movies ;)

But I think some of the things (as long as I get them the way I want them) get a little bit
big, want to get a few pretty large pics up and a few animation things I am working on.

I think I am going to invest more time into coding and stuff (suck at it big time) and earn
a bit through other design stuff so I can get me some space.
Thanks for the offer Guru, aslong as I don't have to take a role in one of your movies ;)

But I think some of the things (as long as I get them the way I want them) get a little bit
big, want to get a few pretty large pics up and a few animation things I am working on.

I think I am going to invest more time into coding and stuff (suck at it big time) and earn
a bit through other design stuff so I can get me some space.

No movie work required ...lol

As for the bandwidth as long as your not eating 50gig a month I'm good. PM me and Ill get you details.
Why waste your time on free hosting when paid hosting is so damn cheap? The hosting company I use has plans for $4.95 per month (granted, you do need to commit to at least 36 months to get that deal) and I'm sure there are cheaper ones out there.

The dealbreaker with free hosts is bandwidth. Setting up a web server is cheap and easy, I could do it with just parts and stuff I have lying around. But all web hosts have to buy bandwidth from their upstream providor and thats where the bottlenecks occur because bandwidth is never free.
Why waste your time on free hosting when paid hosting is so damn cheap? The hosting company I use has plans for $4.95 per month (granted, you do need to commit to at least 36 months to get that deal) and I'm sure there are cheaper ones out there.

Yup, I have used the same host for almost 10 years for ahjteam.com and even at the time it was pretty expensive; 6€ a month. :lol:

Fuckin' Geocities:headbang:
