Exploding Ned at Progpower

Exploding Ned

Sep 1, 2003
Southeastern U.S.
This will be something like the ninth Progpower for Exploding Ned, and as always we'll have a big selection of band shirts and an expanded CD and vinyl section. Looking forward to visiting with our many friends again and meeting new ones. See you there :kickass:

Also, Exploding Ned will be the exclusive seller of Echoterra's new CD and t-shirt. The band features members of Avian, Pyramaze and Therion. You can check out their songs at www.myspace.com/echoterra
Exploding Neds is one of the highlights of my Progpower experience. Tje coolest guys run this booth and are so super friendly to talk to. Its also my t-shirt mecca for the fest! I dont even think I noticed they sold CD's last time. I think I bought 8 or 9 shirts.
Surely I'm gonna be there, looking for a Motorhead t-shirt among other goodies :D
I always spend a great deal of money at this booth. I still love the DoomSword albums I got from you last year. If you have any more epic doom, I'm your man!
Bought some great Budgie cd's from you last year.

You wouldn't happen to have a copy of this one on hand would ya'? Latest studio effort by Demon.

Bought some great Budgie cd's from you last year.

You wouldn't happen to have a copy of this one on hand would ya'? Latest studio effort by Demon.


Don't have that one, but I do have about a half dozen of their older titlles on sale for $5 each if you're interested. Just check the sale box when you get there. Thanx
Please bring 2XL shirts for us fat dudes. Every year I see several shirts I really want, just to find out the biggest is XL. I have notice in the past, a good lot of us XXL guys walking away bummed out.:rock: