Exploding Ned At Progpower

i forgot this was online it is trailer for our albums from nearly 4 years ago now. some of the melee at our shows prior to then. note the kid getting kicked in the face around the :30 mark.

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Matt we have kind of hijacked Mike's thread, don't want to piss him off anymore than is usually is so let's direct it back. HAHA
And Matt Tribunal / Divebomb of the teennie booper hardcore band KillWhitneyDead will be working at the Exploding Ned's tables pimping the metal goods. HAHA
Stop by and bring them a beer, hell I'll take on too:kickass:
Ok, now we are back on track.
If you try to keep me out of that vinyl, I will come over the table and find something to hit you with, rofl. Judging on the proximity of other vendors in the area, I'm guessing the closest thing I'll have to grab will be that dvd player that Zane is bringing... I hope it has some weight to it, because it's going across that lid of yours! On a serious note though, you've said more that I agree with lately than I disagree with, so I might not have to kill you... :lol:

Use my hover-round hehehehehehehe
Thanx to all of you who have stopped by to visit with us in the PP vendor area over the past 10 years. Really have met some interesting and fun people, more so than any other shows or festivals I've sold at in the past 23+ years on the road doing this.

Just a quick note on what to expect this year.... we'll be bringing an inventory of band shirts that 80% of which has never been to PP before... including many imports. Also processing alot of new and vintage metal on vinyl, as well as a good selection of CDs. No time to go into lists now, trying to finish everything in time for the show, but suffice to say there will be plenty to choose from.

I wish you safe travels and a fun time in Atlanta. Hope to see you at the show.


Hi Mike, it's a long shot, but I was wondering if you'd have any Angels Cry and Holy Land T Shirts from Angra? I have to re buy much of my CD collection due to moving damage/loss, and wanted to get back some Tshirts and buy some new ones as well so I figured I'd try at the premier fest.
If he has a Holy Land or Angels Cry shirt, somebody better buy me a Large and an invoice. :lol:

Heeeey I asked for those first sucka foo:) Jk. I've been wanting them for.. man.. how many years..?? I wonder if anyone sells them anywhere really. Now that I think about it, if anyone had owned any of them from this forum, I'd have surely thought you'd already have gotten one or two. The only persona I know that has one is Sharif.
Heeeey I asked for those first sucka foo:) Jk. I've been wanting them for.. man.. how many years..?? I wonder if anyone sells them anywhere really. Now that I think about it, if anyone had owned any of them from this forum, I'd have surely thought you'd already have gotten one or two. The only persona I know that has one is Sharif.

And the asshole has like 3 of each.
Heeeey I asked for those first sucka foo:) Jk. I've been wanting them for.. man.. how many years..?? I wonder if anyone sells them anywhere really. Now that I think about it, if anyone had owned any of them from this forum, I'd have surely thought you'd already have gotten one or two. The only persona I know that has one is Sharif.

I still can't believe Sharif won't be attending this year:zombie:
Hi Mike, it's a long shot, but I was wondering if you'd have any Angels Cry and Holy Land T Shirts from Angra? I have to re buy much of my CD collection due to moving damage/loss, and wanted to get back some Tshirts and buy some new ones as well so I figured I'd try at the premier fest.

Don't have those 2 Angra titles, I think the one I have is from a later album, can't quite remember the title. Thanx
Heeeey I asked for those first sucka foo:) Jk. I've been wanting them for.. man.. how many years..?? I wonder if anyone sells them anywhere really. Now that I think about it, if anyone had owned any of them from this forum, I'd have surely thought you'd already have gotten one or two. The only persona I know that has one is Sharif.

The band's management would probably be smart to reissue some of their classic shirts, but currently no one sells them, at least legitimately.
Matt we have kind of hijacked Mike's thread, don't want to piss him off anymore than is usually is so let's direct it back. HAHA
And Matt Tribunal / Divebomb of the teennie booper hardcore band KillWhitneyDead will be working at the Exploding Ned's tables pimping the metal goods. HAHA
Stop by and bring them a beer, hell I'll take on too:kickass:
Ok, now we are back on track.

Yeah kinda surprised, Matt isn't usually a thread highjacker... oh well happens to the best of us. Ha