exporting OMF from protools...


Apr 29, 2008
is this supposed to work correctly? this is 95% of the reason I bought protools, so I can transfer projects to cubase...

I made an OMF in PT9, imported to cubase... there's all sorts of ridiculous gaps and stuff. its almost just random. vocals are cut off in the middle of words and then theres a 10 bar gap before the second half of the word comes in.. the guitars aren't lined up... etc etc.
I import OMF's from video editors all the time into protools without issues, but don't have much experience exporting them. I would try asking on a post forum, like the one on the DUC, if you keep having trouble. Maybe you could try opening the OMF in protools, so you can determine if the issue is with protools or cubase.
that's a good idea haha thanks,

but what I ended up doing was just consolidating every track from 0 so i can just import the audio. kind of a pain but whatever.
[UEAK]Clowd;9830757 said:
that's a good idea haha thanks,

but what I ended up doing was just consolidating every track from 0 so i can just import the audio. kind of a pain but whatever.

That's the way Most people do it TBH. can't trust OMF. It's not hard. Engage all edit group. Cmd A , Shift enter. Alt + Shift + 3, Cmd + Shift + K