External Preamps into interface


Mar 14, 2011
I have an RME Babyface, and the internal preamps cannot be bypassed - they can only be set to "unity gain" (gain at 0) which the RME forum admins claim do not make any negative change to the sound. However, the difference when running my GAP Pre-73 into the Babyface makes such a huge difference (a good one), that I'm curious if I would be better off getting a different interface or standalone converters that do not require me to run through the built in preamp. The internal preamps of the Babyface are pretty much shit compared to the Pre-73, and the Pre-73 isn't even considered to be a great clone. I am kind of disturbed how a $300 pre absolutely kicks the shit out of a $750 two channel interface, but not too surprised.

Will buying standalone converters or an interface that allows me to completely bypass the preamp circuit be a big improvement?
"Big improvement?" That depends entirely on your scale. Most converter upgrades are slight improvements at best IMO, but other people's scales are different, and they might call the same difference "huge!"

Regardless, there's only one way to find out...

Also, post clips of the 73 versus the babyface